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A/n: Don't know if anyone cares but sorry for taking so long! I know when I read fiction I'll sometimes think "Ugh why did they do that? I would have done it so differently." so if you have any suggestions I'll take them because I don't really have a set plot. I've got a direction I want it to go but I'm kinda figuring it out as I go.

If you've forgotten or didn't know the song is Apocalypse by Cigarettes After Sex.


The sound of a crow made her jump. She opened her eyes to see the black bird had perched on her hip as she slept on her side. She sat up quickly in shock and swatted the animal away. It cawed in panic and flew up into the leaves that bled sunlight above. She sits up to get a better look at her surroundings. She was in a forest she recognised. Perhaps from a mission long ago. The call of the crow drew her attention from the nature around her. She looked up to see it flying in a circle above her. It then flew off into the darkness of the woods. She didn't know what it was, but something compelled her to follow. It was odd, there was nothing here. No sound other than the crow's calls, no other animals but the crow. Stepping of dry leaves didn't make a crunch, the cool breeze didn't make a whistle. Stepping over rocks and fallen branches made following the bird difficult. She made it to a full sprint, chasing the crow, when she woke to the feeling of a hand on her arm. It had no temperature, which confused her.

When she opened her eyes to see Jerome sitting on the floor next to the bed in front of her face. Strange. He's never been able to touch her before.

"Morning gorgeous" he greeted with a cheeky smile. "Ready for the big day, it's gonna be a rough one.

Isabelle heard the sound of footsteps approaching her cell and tensed. Colic wasn't very descriptive about the "treatment". This was Arkham so that could mean a number of things. Electrotherapy, locking her in a room in a straitjacket, etc.

Jerome looked to the sound. "You should escape. That's what I'd do." he said and took his hand from her arm and stood.

Isabelle sat up to stretch her sore muscles. A rock would be more comfortable than the mattresses in Arkham.

"You are dead, anything you would do, I not going to consider." she said with her arms above her head.

'You wouldn't even be here if you listened to me." Jerome replied smuggly.

The muscular guard easily pulled her to her feet as Isabelle rolled her eyes at the ginger. She was pulled out of the room and Jerome followed.

She was brought to a room with nothing but a small light hanging from the ceiling, a small metal table, and a chair with ankle and wrist straps which the guard was quick to fasten. Isabelle didn't fight back, she's been tasered before and it's not a pleasant feeling. Plus, he was stronger than her. Jerome sat on the table.

She wiggled her arms and legs to see how much mobility she had, which was none. She sighed heavily in defeat. She jumped at the sudden slam of the heavy door.

"Good morning Isabelle, How are you feeling?" Dr Colic asked, writing on a paper held to a clipboard: Cherenova, day one.

Isabelle was getting tired of doctors asking that. They knew the answer was shitty. She held a resting bitch face. "Hungry"

"You can eat when we're finished here." Peabody said plainly.

"What's going on?"

"We're starting your treatment today. To help you forget about Jerome." she replied, pulling out a cassette player from the pocket of her white jacket and placed it on the table text to Jerome. "Most patients respond to physical pain, but you've been through worse than electrocution haven't you?" the doctor asked with a stale smile, then hit the play button.

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