You Can Call Me Ecco

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I know I said the rest of the story would come straight from my brain but I had no idea how to write filler. So this chapter will be somewhat inspired by Dancing in the Dark by houseofmysteries here on AO3. Another great story you should check out about Jeremiah x Ecco. Sorry if this sucks i'm trying...i am i swear. Writing is hard lol


Isabelle licked her lip of the soup left on her lips. "You watched me kill someone." she reminded him.

"Yes-" he paused to yawn. They both had forgotten how late it was. "But still," he continued. "my physical ability is lacking. You can handle yourself, even under extreme circumstances."

Isabelle hated how complicated he was. It took her a moment to understand what he was talking about. "You want me to be your bodyguard?"

Xander nodded and scratched the back of his neck.

She observed him. Xander looked uncomfortable. He clearly knew her and she knew him but Isabelle just couldn't figure out how. It was killing her. Maybe working for him could help her figure it out. Plus it's not like she had anything else going on.

"Okay Mr Wilde, I accept."

Xander realized she had no problem killing, and would most likely do it again. Gotham may not have the best justice system but murder was still against the law.

"Just promise you won't kill anyone."

Isabelle tilted her head slightly. "I had to, was me or him."

Xander sighs. "Okay, then let me rephrase that. Don't kill anyone unless you absolutely have to. Unless the only way for us to live is for them to die, no killing"

Isabelle smirked slightly, then nodded.

Xander stood from his chair to open the cement door leading to the labyrinth hallway. "Follow me" he cleared his throat awkwardly "please"

They walked through more twisted hallways. Isabelle on his heels to make sure she didn't get lost.

"You can stay here for the night, and in the morning I'll find you an apartment."

He could just not take that shortcut down the alley anymore. He found that maybe there was something in him that was tired of being alone. She had been his first real human interaction and despite it being under bad circumstances, he didn't want her to leave.

Walking through another voice activated door, the pair entered what seemed as Xander's bedroom, which was much warmer than the underground maze, which was freezing. Isabelle could have sworn she could see her breath as she exhaled. His room was as tidy as a room with nothing in it could be. It only had a bed with a nightstand on both sides, the dresser Xander was digging through and a closet.

Xander dug through the drawers, probably looking for dry clothes for them both, while Isabelle looked around the room,

She approached one of the nightstands. It had a lamp and was stacked with books. She picked one up and skimmed through the pages, her english had really gone to shit. That, or the book was just a complicated read. Judging Xanders character, the latter was highly likely.

Xander picked up different t-shirts he owned, holding it up to examine its size. He had already sized up Isabelle when she took off her wet coat to eat the soup. He always had a knack for measurement. With a good enough look, he could almost perfectly guess anything's exact measurements. A rather useful talent in his line of work. He decided on a plain grey shirt and black sweatpants for her and something similar for himself. "Here," he said, approaching her with the sleepwear. "Change into these."

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