Capitulo 27 - Reconciliación

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Lectores, sé que esta parte es corta, pero, tengo mas en puerta. Disfrútala.


Chapter 27 - Reconciliation

Lety nodded her head "Yes...if you can convince my dad, and bring them with you when you come back next weekend for me. Let's do it." When she finished her statement she was breathing hard like she had just run a race. Excitement, nerves, all of the emotions rolled into one. And then it occurred to her that Fernando had mentioned a church wedding. He wasn't just talking about a civil marriage. Lety looked at Fernando sincerely and asked "you want to get married? In the church?"

Lety asintió con la cabeza. —Sí ... si puedes convencer a mi papá y traerlos contigo cuando vuelvas el próximo fin de semana por mí. Vamos a hacerlo." Cuando terminó su declaración, estaba respirando con dificultad como si acabara de correr una carrera. Emoción, nervios, todas las emociones se unieron. Y entonces se le ocurrió que Fernando había mencionado una boda en la iglesia. No solo estaba hablando de un matrimonio civil. Lety miró a Fernando con sinceridad y le preguntó "¿quieres casarte? ¿En la iglesia?"

Fernando smiles and looked at her, the gleam in her eye, the awe in her voice. "Yes Lety...I want to get married in the church...and not just because I know your father won't give me his blessing if not..." he nervous laughed at the look of comprehension on Lety's face. She knew as well as he did that if he suggested to Don Erasmo that they just get married civilly that he would never agree. "But because...Lety...I don't know how to explain it really. It's something I never felt with anyone. Wanting to be with them all the time. Not seeing a moment in which I would grow tired, bored. You...and me...we have such a good time together. We...we get each other. There is never a dull moment. And honestly, I don't think there ever will be. I am not marrying you because I am at an age I need to marry, nor because I have a responsibility. Leticia Padilla Solis...I want to marry you because I cannot imagine my life without you. I cannot imagine spending another day like I have spent the last few days, not knowing what was happening with you. I love you. It is as simple as that. And it isn't the kind of love I had for Marcia or anyone else I ever thought I was in love with." Fernando stopped here. He didn't know if telling Lety that the love he had for Marcia was born out of the familiar and the physical. He didn't want her to think that she was lacking in that area.

Fernando sonríe y la mira, el brillo en sus ojos, el asombro en su voz. "Sí Lety ... quiero casarme contigo en la iglesia ... y no solo porque sé que tu padre no me dará su bendición si no ...", se rió nervioso ante la mirada de comprensión en el rostro de Lety. Ella sabía tan bien como él que si le sugería a Don Erasmo que se casaran por lo civil, nunca estaría de acuerdo. "Pero porque ... Lety ... no sé cómo explicarlo realmente. Es algo que nunca sentí con nadie. Querer estar con alguien todo el tiempo. No ver un futuro en el que me canse, me aburra. Tú ... y yo ... lo pasamos tan bien juntos. Nosotros ... nos tenemos el uno al otro. Nunca hay un momento aburrido. Y, sinceramente, no creo que lo haya jamás. No me voy a casar contigo porque tenga una edad en la que deba casarme, ni porque tenga una responsabilidad. Leticia Padilla Solis... quiero casarme contigo porque no puedo imaginar mi vida sin ti. No puedo imaginarme pasar otro día como el que he pasado en los últimos días, sin saber lo que estaba pasando contigo. Te amo. Es tan simple como eso. Y no es el tipo de amor que tenía por Marcia o cualquier otra persona de la que alguna vez pensé que estaba enamorado ". Fernando se detuvo aquí. No sabía si decirle a Lety que el amor que tenía por Marcia nació de lo familiar y lo físico. No quería que ella pensara que le faltaba esa área.

"I understand Fernando. I know that ours...well...ours has been an irregular beginning. The how's of it all are not the traditional story. You don't have to explain that. And believe it or not..."Lety chuckled, "I know that in many ways I will never compare to Marcia. Tall, beautiful,..."

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