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A woman who looked to be in her late 30's was sat in the middle of a medium sized room. The room was dark with a few candles lit up in the corners. She sat in the lotus position and had her eyes closed, concentrating on one thing. The howling wind and the continuous screams could be heard from the outside, but this didn't break her concentration and her mind didn't waver.

This woman had been alive for many hundred years. She was a young woman when the founders of the 5 Main Sects were building the foundations of their sects. She was friends with the legendary founders and helped them establish their sects. 

The woman reached immortality at a young age and often wandered the world as a rogue cultivator, before settling on a celestial mountain. No one knows where the location of the mountain is, many have tried to find it, but failed in vain. She took abandoned children to the mountain as her disciples and taught them how to cultivate. The immortal had a crucial rule and had all her disciples swear that once they were old enough and stepped foot off the mountain, they would no longer be able to come back.

She was known as Baoshan Sanren, one of the only known mortals to reach immortality.

Through her third eye, she watched a family of 4 make their way to the town market. A cultivator could use their third eye when they reached immortality. With your third eye, you could look at any place in the 3 realms, and watch as the scene unfolds in your mind, you can interfere with the place through your third eye, without anyone knowing. 

The mother and father were walking in front, while their 2 three-year-old twins walked behind them, often stopping to marvel at the toys and things they found interesting. The mother looked to be in her early 20's. She was slim, but had a strong aura around her. Her height was around 6 feet. She carried a beautiful, black sword with detailed silver designs, and a silver tassel hanging from the hilt of the sword. Her husband was of a sturdy make and was a bit taller tan his wife. He also carried a sword, pitch black with detailed red designs, and a red tassel hanging from the hilt. 

The twins were both a girl and a boy, with the girl being older by just a few minutes. The children looked so innocent as they ran from one stall to another, asking for their parents to buy them a few toys and sweets. In the end, when the twins were satisfied with the items their parents bought them, they were carried a way by their parents, with the boy sitting on his father's shoulders, and the girl carried by her mother.

Seeing this scene, Baoshan Sanren smiled to herself, before closing her third eye and exited the room.

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