Chapter 15

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Written by: XxSlytherin123xX, Fheyanah21, and me


All of us were exhausted by the time we reached the dungeons, we were almost late and had to run.

Still slightly panting, I sat down next to Sophie and Severus, placing my bag on the floor. I looked around the stingy room; it was dark and small with jared creatures all around the shelves and desks. I also noticed the Gryffindors coming in as well, straining my eyes. I saw Lily and smiled at her which she promptly returned while taking her seat on the other side of the room.

"Welcome, welcome!" said the professor who had just entered the room, a large man who was wearing a brown coat and a white collared shirt beneath it.

"I, as some of you may know, am your potions master and head of the Slytherin house," This made some of the Gryffindors murmurs to one another.

"Seeing as this is your first potions lesson and many of you may never have heard of potions, I will start off simple with a Pepperup potion. Now can anyone tell me what this potion is."

While I was thinking through all the different types of potions and uses, Severus surprised me by putting his hand up, all be it a little shyly, to answer.

"Yes?" said Slughorn pointing to him.

"The Pepperup potion is a potion used to cure a common cold or warm someone up, it has the side effect of steam coming out of the drinker's ears for a few hours, other than that the potion is completely harmless," Severus said as if he was reading it from a textbook.

"I couldn't have said it any better, 5 points to Slytherin" Slughorn called out, making Severus blush slightly.

"Alright, please take out your 1st-grade potion-making textbooks out and follow the instructions for the Pepperup potion on page 57, then begin," said Professor Slughorn.

The class immediately started, the smell of bubbling cauldrons and Bicorn Horn.

"Hey, Sev?" I asked with a cheery tone of voice.

"Yeah?" He said, not looking up at me but crushing his Bicorn Horn.

"How did you know the answer to that question back there?" I asked, opening my book.

"Oh you know, I've always been interested in potions and Mum would get the newest potion books for me..." His voice trailed.

"Hm," I say whilst opening up my potion book. I never knew Severus was so good at potions; I wonder what else he's kept from me.

I skimmed through the book and look at the potion recipe:

Two pinches of crushed Bicorn Horn.

Mandrake Root.

Three Sprigs of English Thyme.

Five drops of Salamander Blood.

Four Fire Seeds

I looked around at the class as I took my Bicorn Horn and placed it on the chopping board and crushing it with my pestle.

To think just that a few days ago I was just Y/n, a normal girl who had lived as a normal muggle.

"You're a freak." Petunia said hate filled her eyes.

"That's where you're going, a place for freaks!"

She spat the last word and the flashback ended with a sharp pain in my hand, I looked down to see I ended up going on to my Mandrake root, not paying attention, I had sliced the top of my hand pretty badly.

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