Chapter 25

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Written by: Fheyanah21


When I arrived at the library, I greeted Madam Pince and found the book I needed for some of my essays. After I found the books I saw Remus on a chair near the window, and I decided to sit with him.

"Hi, Remus!" I greet him happily.

"Hi Y/n, why are you here alone? I mean without your friends?" he asked.

"Uhmm...Nothing. I just want to be alone." I replied to him.

"Then why are you with me?" he asked me again. I didn't answer his question because I don't want to tell him why I don't want to be with my friends.

"Is this about Snape?" he asked when he realized that I didn't answer his question.

I sigh and said, "Yes, but please don't tell this to him or anyone." I pleaded with him.

"Okay fine but tell me what happened," he said.

"Can I trust you to not tell anyone what happened?" I asked and he nodded with a little smile.

"Okay, Professor Rakepick promised me and my friends that she will teach us the bandaging spell. Then it happened earlier, we went to the DADA classroom but Professor Rakepick was not there so we waited until she came. Then before we start, the Professor tells us to find a partner. I was about to walk to Severus then suddenly Lily quickly went over to him and dragged him to the other side of the classroom." I said and sigh.

"Then, what happened?" Remus asked.

"Then I go to Halley because she's the only one left, so she's my partner. Professor Rakepick then explains what is a bandaging spell, then she tells us to start practicing it. Halley does it properly while I on the other hand can't concentrate and fail to cast it. Halley asked me what's the matter and I said I'm fine and looked at where Severus and Lily were and then I saw Lily hugging Severus with a smile and even Severus was smiling. I don't know why I felt jealous and I think Lily and Severus have a crush on each other." I continued. He raises his one eyebrow as if to tell me "Then, what's next? "

"Then that's why I go here at the library and I see you, so I decided to go, sit and do the essay with you," I finished.

"Ohh! Okay, you're jealous because you like Snape...but why do you think Lily and Severus liked each other?"

"Don't tell this to anyone, but yes I have a crush on him, and I think Lily has a crush on Severus because of the way Lily looked at him, she fancies him. I know Lily. She's my twin." I said.

"Okay then if you want to have someone to be with you and not your friends just find me here at the library," he said that made me chuckle.

"Of course Remus, I know where to find you. You're always here at the library" I tease him.

"I'm not always here! I also at the kitchen~"

"What!? You know how to enter the kitchen?" I whisper-screamed the last part because Madam Pince shushed and glared at me and Remus, but even if Madam Pince was fond of me, she still gave me a glare.

"Yes, of course," he stated proudly. I punch his shoulder lightly. "Ouchh, that hurt Y/n," he whispered, acting like in pain.

"Stop it, Remus! You don't look like you're hurt." I said laughing quietly.

"Okay, I'm just joking," he said joining my laugh but still quiet.

"I know," I said while snickering.

"We better start doing our essay Y/n. We will not finish this if we keep talking and not doing something," he said with a serious voice.

"Why are you so serious?" I said while giggling.

"I'm not Sirius, I'm Remus," je said. Then I stuck out my tongue at him and he said. "Stop it Y/n its disgusting," he joked.

"Yes sir," I said a little too loud, causing Madam Pince to shush us and glare at us again, and make me and Remus snorted. We study and do our essays while talking to each other when someone enters the library and heads toward me and Remus. We stopped talking and looked up from what we were writing when the person reached us, and it was Lily.

"Hi sis, Hi Rem." Lily greeted us.

"Hi Lils," we greeted back. "Why are you here and not with Severus and the others?" I asked, a bit annoyed, but she didn't seem to notice it.

"Well I will borrow a book here, and Severus wants me to tell you if I see you, that we will do our homework together near the black lake tomorrow," she said.

I was about to reply when Remus said, "Oh sorry Lils. Y/n and I will be doing our homework tomorrow." Lily nodded.

"Okay then, I will tell Severus. I will need to go now, Severus said he wanted to talk to me. Bye see you around," she said cheerfully but not loudly. We just nod and watch her walk out of the library. I thanked Remus for saving me and we continued our essays. After we finished our essays, we said goodbye and proceeded to our common rooms. 

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