Miss you

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Warning: This chapter was written before I knew about the whole Woojin incident. This is the last chapter he'd appear on, he'd probably be mentioned in another one to give the fictional character a closure. I'm really sorry, everyone. Please Stay safe.

April 20th

Jeongin is laughing at Felix and Chuu playing Just Dance, trying their best to rock it and yelling when they miss a step. They're in the boy's apartment, it's Friday night and Chuu decides to stay over since she missed her brother and even if Jeongin doesn't want to accept it, he was missing her too.

"Oppa! This is too hard!!!" Chuu shouts sweating and about to cry as the speed is increased.

"Stop crying, Yang! Danceee" a now red haired Felix pants as he dances harder.

"They're gonna fall" Jisung murmurs looking at them while eating popcorn.

"5 bucks is gonna be Felix" Changbin smirks.

"I heard that you Crimson Chin!!" the dancing boy yells frowning "Go find your Timmy Turner and fuck off!!"

"Don't get distracted!!" Chuu cries out as the song is almost coming to an end.

They keep going, both being loud as ever because of the tiredness but hitting every step like champions. When the song ends, a loud cheer comes from both of them and the rest, Chuu throws herself at Felix excited as he hugs her back and starts to spin around happy.

"Careful, Lee. She's underage"

"For a-" Felix puts Chuu down and takes one of the couch pillows to start hitting his elder "You're a disgusting cartoon character!!"

The black haired girl laughs, "I'd go to the bathroom, excuse me" she smiles and quickly disappears.

"I wasn't the one flirting with a 16 year old!"

"I wasn't flirting! It's called being nice! Try it once, asshole!"

"You're never nice to me" Changbin arches an eyebrow.

"Unlike you, Chuu has actually earned my kindness" Felix rolls his eyes.

"Whatever" the elder rolls his eyes "You suck at dancing"


"Well.. shit" Jisung whispers at Jeongin. Insulting Felix is one thing but insulting his dancing.. yeah, no. That's Felix's limit.

"You really suck. You're not good"

"Shut the fuck up" Felix starts to heat up.

"Why? Truth hurts?" the black haired smirks victorious.

"I don't suck! I'm a great dancer!" Jeongin looks at Felix scared.

"He's gonna cry" Jisung tells Jeongin worried too.

"You think?" the elder arches an eyebrow "Or Taemin hyung told you that after you slept with him?"

Felix's breathing starts to go unstable at the mention of his ex lover and now professor, "I am good at what I do! I've earned what I've achieved and I've worked hard on everything!! Don't come talk shit about what makes me the happiest when you know no damn shit about me!!" the young boy blows up.

Changbin's face doesn't change, "Are you gonna cry?"

"Hyung" Jeongin frowns pissed. Jisung too.

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