Chapter 1:Betrayal

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We find ourselves in the new region know has the Silineon Region we go to the office of the champion himself has he petted his partner sylveon that is in his lap and his lucario and greninja by his sides/Mewtwo in his back has they watch the news then

Lucario:Those something trouble you master
???:You noticed
Mewtwo:His not the only one so what's up
Greninja:You know you can't hide anything from us special the other Pokémon and Miette
Sylveon:Yeah and also your face says it all
???:It's that day it's still in my head
Greninja:You know because of are bond I saw it two right
Lucario:Don't worry master if those traitors do appear or do anything will kill them
Mewtwo:No need to worry
Sylveon:Yeah buddy I'm here too to help you with anything
??? mind:Sometimes I wish it didn't happen but I have to thank it a little

Flash Back 8 years ago

Are Hero Ash was running back home with Pikachu on his shoulder has they head to there house after he lost the final's against Gladion

Ash:Mom I'm back
Delia:Ash welcome back

Has he gives him a big hug


Has he look behind his mother that his companions where there Brock,Misty,May,Max,Dawn,Iris,Cilan, Serena,Clemont and Bonnie

Ash:Hey guys
Brock:Ash we need to talk
Ash:About what
Misty:That you need to give up on your stupid dream

Has she said that Ash was shock to heir that

Iris:You heard her we want you to give up on your little kid dream
Clemont:Admit it Ash you not fit to be a Pokémon trainer special that you lost all the leagues especially the one in Alola
Bonnie:I can't believe I admired you
Max:Pikachu come over here I think you need a better trainer

Has pikachu jump to Max shoulder Ash was heart broken his own friend his best friend after everything they been through he does this

May:Because of you me,Dawn and Serena could reach are dreams
Cilan:Your battle strategies are just the worst
Serena:I can't believe I ever love you
Ash:Do you agree with them mom
Delia:Yes Ash please leave this path and work has and assistant had Oaks Lab
Brock:Ash your outnumbered and you left your Pokémon back had Professor Kukui's place
Ash:So you were spying well newsflash they here

Has his alola team appears even Naganadel ash gets out of the house they wanted to follow

Ash:Lycnaroc Stone edge on the door

Has he poles out the explosive stone in front of the door has he went running to the lab has he opens the door

P.Oak:Ash my boy welcome back
Ash:Professor I need my Pokémon
P.Oak:Why what happened
Gary:Gramps who is it
Ash:Gary you here too
Tracy:I'm here too

Has he come in he explains everything to theme

Gary:Those unforgivably as*##*#
P.Oak:Even Pikachu and Delia how could they
Ash:I need my Pokémon
P.Oak:Okay you go get your Pokémon I'll get something that will allow you too take them all on you journey
Gary:Mind if I tag along Ash you might need my help
Ash:Yeah that would be nice what about you Tracy
Tracy:I'll stay with the Professor just in case they do something to him

Has the three boys go outside Ash explains everything to his Pokémon they where all piss specially that Pikachu betrayed them has he returned everyone Oak appears

P.Oak:Ash take this
Ash:A Pokedex
P.Oak:Here you too Gary
Gary:Thanks gramps but she what is it
P.Oak:It's a Nano dex it all the information on Pokémon and even the hire ups and can let you catch and keep unlimited Pokémon
Ash:Science is so amazing Gary you got ride
Gary:Yeah my Aerodactyl
Ash:Cool because we are gonna pick up some friends
Gary:What type of friends
Ash:Pokémon that I realized over the years on my journey
P.Oak:Why not go to Alola of your friends from there didn't appear it could mean that they are on your side
Ash:Yeah but might be to obvious

A new region a new champion(Ash betrayal story)Where stories live. Discover now