Chapter 7:Round 3

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Has a new day comes we are in a different room this is well Goh,Chloe and P.Cerise room has Goh wakes up after what he saw yesterday

Chloe:Ph you woke up good you were unconscious all day yesterday
Goh:I had a weird dream that I saw Mew but she was already captured
Chloe:That wasn't a dream the champion of the Silineon region captured Mew
Goh:What really now how will I be able to finish my dream
Red:Before he went to do some champion business he told me that he can help you with the Mew thing he even gave me this note that says where he is now
Goh:Really then let's

Has they go they arrive at the hospital

Goh:A hospital what could he be doing here
Chloe:Maybe he's also a doctor
Goh:For a person that really loves battling I don't think his a Doctor but let's check it says his in room 55 let's go

Has they went in they arrive at the room and knock on the door has then Red came out

Red:Oh Goh and Chloe one sec

After a few seconds he came out

Red:I think I need to show you something
Goh:Yeah what did you mean that you can help to get Mew

Has she comes out

Mew:Whats wrong Red
Red:Teleport us home

Has then they were teleported both Goh and Chloe look around until they saw a big house

Red:Welcome to my home
Chloe:This hole thing is yours
Red:Well mines and my elite four plus my two girls con in

Has they enter they were amazed has they keep following they reach a room has they go in they see eggs

Red:Well you see some of my Pokémon let's say they made love and they have children but what's through the door is what I have to show you

Has they went there they see a lot baby and kid Pokémon but then Goh see baby Mew

Goh:Are those are
Red:Yeah baby Mew
Goh:You came here to show me this
Red:Not just that Mew can you bring them here

Has then four baby Mew's came that all nuzzles on Red but then on of them the boy nuzzles on Goh

Chloe:So cute
Red:Goh you said your dream is to catch all Pokémon and at the end Mew but what if I told you with what I see this young Mew has formed a bond with you and it really likes you can you promise me and Mew that you will take care of it
Red:Yeah I want you to make on your dream so do you accept
Goh:Yes and I promise you this Mew is in safe hands
Chloe:I'll help him out just in case he doing terrible
Red:Okay Mew going to teleport you back
Goh:What aren't you coming back with us
Red:I need to keep watch the kids and my battles is the last one so I can wait so see ya
Chloe:Have Good day
Goh:I'll do my best don't worry

Has they get teleported then he feels his leg being nuzzled and see and Eevee Red picks her up and brings her close then Sylveon came out has they site down

Red:Ask away
Mew:Are you gonna tell your girls that sylveon and you are and did it
Red:aaa well it depends
Sylveon:Yeah it depends
Mew:Your not telling
Red:Me and Sylveon relationship will only be shown when we are not around and Eevee she is my daughter you know what I needed to tell miette where eevee cane from
Red:That sylveon fell for one of the Pokémon of the wild and that he died protecting her to then giving birth to Eevee
Mew:Smart lie
Red:Okay let's just forget I did it and focus on now right
Eevee:Yes daddy

After all the battles pass it was time for the final battle of the first day of round 3 has Red and Leon come out of the tunnels

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