Chapter 3:The tournament

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A week has pass and are hero and his allies are in the dukes waiting has then a boat cane in are all the Professors,Gym leaders,Kahunas,FB,Elite four and Champions has he see the traitors Brock,Misty,Cilan and Clemont but he also sees some nice ones like Kiewai and Hau that look like there now Kahunas,Gladion who's the champion,Tracy who came with Oak and Lillie who came with kukui

Red:You must be Gladion champion of Alola
Gladion:Your Red good to finally meet you

Has I then noticed a glare from Daniel and lance,Clair,Drake and Drayden has we all just look had the two sides

Drayden:Rouge Dragon

Has Clair got close to me

Daniel:And Clair

Has they cheered a hug

Daniel:We cool
Lance:Yeah so how you been
Daniel:Great getting stronger and seen I battle Red I decided to follow him we all have will catch up later
Red:I almost thought I had to bring out Charizard
Gary:Let's hope we don't get a battle of Fairy vs all dragons masters
Red:Do we count the one of galar

Has he takes them in he ignores the traitors has some of champions congrats the elite four after that the people started to come he walks around with his sylveon,Female pikachu on the shoulder and his lucario

???:Max,Bonnie Wait up the island not going anywhere
Max:Yeah but if I sing now we can get some training done May
May:Yeah but can you two wait up

Has then Bonnie bums into red he pulls of his nice

Red:Hey you okay little one
Bonnie:Yeah I'm fine
Max:Wait your Red the champion of the Silineon region
Red:In the flesh
???:What did you two do now
Red:Don't worry is all just and accident she accidentally bump into me
May:Oh your Red the champion
Red:Yes and you are

Then the gym leader traitors came

Misty:Guys your here and Red!
Max:Bonnie accidentally bump into him
Clemont:I'm sorry for my sister bumping into you
Red:It's fine we'll I'm off
Max:Hey Red before you go can we have a battle
Red:Well I'm not doing anything why not

Has they go to the nearest battlefield

Brock:I'll be the ref the battle between the champion Red and Max will now begin this will be a 1v1 battle now send out your Pokémon

Brock:I'll be the ref the battle between the champion Red and Max will now begin this will be a 1v1 battle now send out your Pokémon Max:Gallade

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Red mind:So he got the ralt I also see that rat I'll beat him when he battled me again-Lucario go

Red mind:So he got the ralt I also see that rat I'll beat him when he battled me again-Lucario go

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