Chapter 5:Day off

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(Okay just few things to say first thank you everyone that are reading and already finish my stories thank you.Second for the people that have wrote me comments about making and Ash x Aria story and Ash x Risa story those will have to wait a little while guys but I might make them.And third is because 1.Im still in school so things might take awhile not like they used to be where I made stories in like One or two days and 2.I have like a lot of ideas I'm already in 16 and there 46 stories that I'm making and I have done 15 and when I finish this one 16 also ones I make it to 46 I'll stop for awhile and ones Pokémon Journey finishes I'll think of something okay that is all enjoy chapter 5:Day off oh and one thing the lemon scene will not appear it will be mentioned that is all)

Another day has come after yesterday Red beat three of the Traitors,a rival and a gym leader and now he teamed up with one of the strongest champions if not one of the greatest Leon the champion of Galar and there first opponent are Raihan and Amy two Dragon type trainers but before the battle are hero and his friends are gonna take a day off has Red wakes up but he doesn't see the girls has he finds a note

Don't worry we woke early than you because Charles called us it seems his planning something with all the coordinator and Performers so don't worry we are fine.Miette and Aria

Has he puts the note aside

Red:That's a relief
Sylveon:You almost thought the traitors took them
Imperion:Well that just shows that you really care about them
Red:Thanks bud well let's go for a walk

Has then his Espeon and Leafeon came out

Leafeon:can we join
Red:Of course you can let's go

Has they leave the room

Red mind:Training with Leon is later on today I should enjoy today and if I see the traitors just look the other way also wait for the girls seen we are going to the beach if possible

Has he continued to the outside he meet up with

Mallow:Oh hey Red
Red:Morning Guys
Sophocles:Did you heir the news looks like we are having a rainy day
Red:Well that ruins the beach plan you guys want hag out
Kukui:Yeah it's been awhile seen we see you and would like to see what you caught and catching up
Red:Yeah that seems nice let's go get something to eat
Lana:Yeah I'm kinda hungry too
Red:I thought you two would be with your boyfriend
Lillie:There still sleeping
Red:They deserve it they have done so much

Has they head to dinner they eat

Hau:So Red you and your elite four made the league
Red:Well we started living there then the gym leaders came they were actually send by Arceus then after discovering more of this region we all decided that it should be opened for the public so I made the call to Charles which helps us a lot making the cities,the gyms and other stuff
Mallow:I still can't believe you have Leafeon before me
Lana:And my Eevee still hasn't evolve into a Vaporeon
Red:I know you'll make it there
Kiewai:So mind telling the story of how you meet them
Red:Well Sylveon,Imperion and Espeon were actually a group of Eevee I find seen they were eggs so basically seen they hatched out of there eggs
Gladion:Wait but where those Leafeon come from
Red:Well that's a sad story actually

Has he tells them about what happened to Leafeon seen she was and Eevee the hole dragon pool of blood and dying and then coming back

Kiewai:Okay now I'm scared of dragon types
Lillie:What happened to the trainer
Red:He actually got killed by his own Pokémon
Sophocles:I should be terrified but I'm gonna say that guy deserve it
Red:She still gets nightmares of that me and the other eevolution keep her company when she gets them
Kukui:Poor thing
Red:She's scared of dragon types and the only dragon type she talks too is Imperion and he's loved dragons seen he hatch he actually grew to love them and that's how he got Imperion Amy still looking for and Eevee that would love to be a dragon type and that's hard
Lana:Well had least Leafeon has you to be there for her
???:Maybe she needs more because with you she'll have more nightmares

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