Chapter 4:Round 1 battles

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The next day came the day were the tournament begins Red is battle is mostly later so he has time to relax

Miette:Morning handsome
Red:Morning Beautiful so what are you gonna do
Miette:Well me,Shauna and Nini are going shopping
Red:Do I need to carry the bags
Miette:Don't worry we'll not yet
Red:If you need me by your side just give the word and me and sylveon will go
Pikachu(Female):Me too
Red:Yeah you too

Has the two humans give each other kiss in the lips after that they left the room Miette went with her friends has Red meet up with the others

Red:So who battled first
Trip:Well Gary is going first
Gary:Yeah and I'm up against some girl named Katie
Red:Oh I know her good luck she's actually pretty strong
Gary:Well thanks for the warning
Red:Let's head to the stadium and if your asking where's miette she's going shopping and one of this days better wish me luck
Paul:Well lets just go before you

Has Red gets tackled to the ground by four girls it was Lillie,Mallow,Lana and Acerola

Red:Paul...if fifty bucks....Phoenix owes me

Has Mewtwo came out and took of all the girls Acerola was a bit hard but he got her out

Red:Thank you Mewtwo

Has the rest of the alola gang came Kiewai,Sophocles,Hau and Gladion has Gladion brought him back to his fit

Gladion:So your champion
Red:Well has you became one I made one
Kiewai:Long time no see Ash or I should say Red don't worry we know what happened and we are on your side
Red:Thanks guys
Lillie:But why didn't you come back to Alola we could have helped you
Red:It was too obvious and even with the back up they'll just find ways to ruin me and also I might have put you all in danger and that's a risk I didn't wanted to take how about we catch up on the way to the stadium has they split Red and Gladion arrive to the vip where the other champions were seen each of the the you know strong guys had there own vip has he arrive to the champion area

Diantha:Ash your here
Red:Can we stick to Red the name Ash is no more after that day so I rather not here it again
Lance:Don't worry we understand but can you at least take of the mask I know you change your voice with that
Red:Yeah and my wife was the one who choice this voice so bite me
The champions:Wait your married!
Red:Yeah and happily married thank you very much now pay attention it's about to start

Has the battles went on it was time for Red to hit the stage has his first opponent was Max

Red mind:I get to beat him twice wonder who should I use for this battle
Max:Ready to lose Ash
Red:Well for the last time ash is gone I'm Red so stop being a dumbass and get it in your head already
Max:I'll beat you here and now to prove that your weak like your really the weakest and most pathetic champion
Red:Says the guy who lost yo me yesterday
Max:I wants serious how about we make a bet weakling
Red:I'm listening
Max:If I win you give me the tittle of Champion seen your not wordy
Red:And me
Max:I give pikachu back
Red:I don't need him so I'll just be betting on you nothing so let's begin ref
Ref:Yes the battle between The champion Red and Max will now begin this a one on one battle now trainers send out your Pokémon
Max:This gonna be easy Pikachu let's beat this

Red mind:I get to beat him twice wonder who should I use for this battle Max:Ready to lose Ash Red:Well for the last time ash is gone I'm Red so stop being a dumbass and get it in your head already Max:I'll beat you here and now to prove that your...

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