Part 1 : Chapter 6

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The office was a quiet place in the morning. Early in the morning. Despite Aizawa having minimum sleep, he got up early and went to the office. There were different reasons; for one, the loud-mouths weren't there at that specific time.

And another, he had a lot of work in preparations for classes. It wasn't just showing up and giving instructions; he had to get documents done, specifically for today. There were going to be a lot of changes. Yesterday was only a test-run to decide how these changes would be handled.

He was greeted by fellow, tired, early-birds, but greeted with a grunt - too exhausted to form words. The black-haired male sat on his chair and placed the papers onto his desk. He had to update things on the computer too.

Eraserhead inhaled and exhaled. The pro-hero could only start his last bits of work he couldn't last night, while he rethought the previous events that stuck.

What did he mean? Shota's scowl deepened.

"You know, I might have learned to sprinkle lies to survive, but... I wasn't lying." He saw the small smile and the bitter sombre in his emerald eyes. It made him look vulnerable, which surprised Aizawa ever so slightly.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

The brunet observed as the boy, in a flash, distorted his face into the usual happy-go-lucky villain. "I never fake smile! I'm happy, see?" Midoriya chirped.

Aizawa didn't respond, having nothing to say. It was clear. I might not know if you're happy, but you are clearly a lair, kid. 

"Are you?" He whispered after a long walk of silence. 

Izuku hummed. "Say something, my apparent new teacher?"

Aizawa grunted, sensing that the boy would be a handful. Although, he knew this since the start of this transfer ordeal. He was a disingenuous villain to begin with and Shota Aizawa thought of them as one of the most troublesome kind. They pretend to know less about something than they really do. It was difficult to handle them and he saw, that this one, wasn't the same.

He was worse.

The silence signaled Izuku to go on the next inquiry. "So where are we going?" The green haired teen asked cheerfully. Again, no response and instead, Aizawa took a turn. "Here," he finally answered.

Midoriya took a good look at their destination.

It was a classroom.

It only took one step from Aizawa before Izuku questioned the man. "What business do we have here?" He asked, putting his index finger on his lips. The boy quite liked his dramatic-innocent acting, didn't he? Quite the cringe too.

Eraserhead glanced at him and averted eye contact just as fast. He had to admit the teen was bold. "I have to take care of technicalities for your stay," he answered. With those words, he entered the classroom, but made sure to watch Izuku's actions.

The underground-hero sighed, which he had done several times once he woke up to 'seize the day'! He would have to check on Izuku soon; Principal Nezu made the boy his problem now. In conjunction to that, everything else to follow was his problem too.

Aizawa shook his head to rid the thoughts from his mind. Whatever. Just finish updating this and I can go sort out the other stuff.

I just want to get this over with.

Somewhere else, in that exact moment, two males sat awkwardly. Not too close yet not as far as one would think - especially to those unsuspecting peers. "I can't believe this," the young man said.

He peered pass the book he was reading. The stranger was smiling and in a, seemingly, good mood. A short melody was being hummed. His jubilant behavior in the morning didn't quite sit right for him, because he wasn't used to it. It was a bit irritating.

Word to the wise, he wouldn't want to show his emotions and rather hide it with a mask of nonchalance.

Those emerald eyes were staring into his soul. It was uncomfortable and he was sure that exposing himself even more than he felt would be a worse level of uncomfortable. "Can you stop staring at me like that?"

"I am high on coffee right now, so don't mind my weird behavior," he answered and mumbled, "It will come to bite me sooner or later though."

"Okay...?" He wasn't sure how to take that. Twisting his face in confusion, he went back to reading. But alas, he couldn't even read in peace; two knocks on the door. The male looked at the clock to see it was about that time.

I don't know if I should be happy or...? He saw the boy practically jump up - proceeding to walk to the door. He seriously wasn't like that when I met him yesterday. What kind of coffee did he have? Instead of questioning it any further, the purple eyed male took his bag and followed suit.

"Apparent new Sensei!" He heard the boy exclaim. Was there some kind of drug in there?

He soon reached the doorway only to receive a look, practically questioning him, from 'apparent new Sensei'. In response, he shrugged and repeated what was said to him: "Apparently, he's high on coffee."

Aizawa stared at him with bewilderment. Dare he wonder if the two were crazy. However, he had his fair share of too much energy boosters. The brunet decided to ignore that fact and wondered if all his students were cursed to be crazy. "Let's go," he instructed, taking steps away from the doorway.

They complied.

The time used to reach their destination was the time needed - very much - for the green haired male to calm himself. With newfound composure, Izuku could speak logically. His first thought was to test the purple haired teen's personality. "Hitoshi," he started.

"Why are you suddenly calling me so informally, kid?" He nonchalantly asked. It didn't bother him, but - simultaneously - it was a questionable way to address someone you just met.

"I'm the same age as you," Izuku informed, smiling at his reaction.

"I'm not thirteen," Shinso said.

Midoriya Izuku's smile seemed to brighten, which caused his eyes to close. His head slowly turned to look at the other male. 

"Huh?" Is all he could muster up.

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