Chapter 4

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Meanwhile in the Sonic Boom universe Sonic was hanging out with his friends.

Hey have you guys seen Eggman around lately? Knuckles asked.

He's proberly just on a break he has another evil plan I just know it. said Sonic.

All of a sudden a portal appered under Sonic's feet and sucked him in.

Meanwhile Espio was talking to Vector through his raido.

Espio I've been told there weird portals coming out of no where I would like you to go and investergate on what's going on. Vector explained.

Understood Vector. said Espio.

Just then he heard a scream and saw someone fall right in front of him.

Wait Sonic but you have a few extra tiny spikes, blue arms, a scarf ans some sports tape on you. who are you are you a clone of Sonic?

Boom Sonic got back up.

What the heck no I'm not a clone of Sonic I am Sonic. he explained.

Hm maybe you're Sonic from another dimension. said Espio.

What are you talking about? Boom Sonic asked.

Strange portals have been coming out of no where and some people keep popping out of it. Espio explained.

Boom Sonic then relised what is going on sort of.

Now that I think about it I did just fell through a portal. Eggman might have some new device. said Boom Sonic.

Okay looks we have to work together if we want to stop this. said Espio.

Okay cool but before we go I need to ask who are you? Boom Sonic asked.

My name is Espio.

Okay let's go Espio. said Boom Sonic.

Meanwhile Shadow was also trying to find out what the deal with portals are suddenly Silver came out of one of them.

Silver I'm glad you're these portals are everywhere and enemies from dimesions are coming out of them. Shadow explained.

That's why I'm here to help you guys out because Eggman from this world has made a Dimesion Machine and has recruited other versions of himselfe also a evil green alien. Silver explained.

Why would he team up with a green alien? Shadow asked.

I don't know. said Silver.

Shadow saw two people in the distance.

Hey look it's Sonic & Blaze. said Shadow.

Wait what are they doing? Silver asked.

I don't know let's go and talk to them. You talk to Sonic & I'll talk to Blaze. said Shadow.

Movie Sonic & Blaze saw Shadow and Sliver.

Look it's Shadow and Silver. Sonic you go and talk to Silver I'll talk with Shadow. Blaze explained.

Uh okay. said Movie Sonic.

Hey Blaze what are you doing here? Shadow asked.

The Soul Emeralds sensed danger happening in this dimesion and as I can see there is. Blaze explained.

Hey Sonic wait you look like Sonic but you also look diffrent. said Silver.

I'm a Sonic from another dimesion. Movie Sonic explained.

I see but why are you here? Silver asked.

My friends have been kidnapped and I'm here to rescure them. Movie Sonic explained.

Hey Sonic what is in that bag that you have anyway? Silver asked.

Oh my ring portals. Movie Sonic explained.

Silver took the bag off Movie Sonic with his powers.

Thank you I think me and Shadow need these more than you do. said Silver as he ran off.

HEY GET BACK HERE WITH MY RINGS YOU JEDI RIP OFF. Movie Sonic shouted as he chased after Silver.

Movie Sonic cuaght up to Silver and tried to get his bag back.

Hey give me that back. Movie Sonic demanded.

Silver still refused.

No I need them to figure out what's going on. Silver explained.

Movie Sonic had enough and just started fighting Silver and knocked him out.

Shadow and Blaze got there just in time.

Why is Silver on the floor? Blaze asked.

I beat him up. Movie Sonic.

What the hell Sonic? That's my best friend. said Blaze.

He stole my portal rings. said Movie Sonic.

Look all 4 of us don't have time to waste we're going to have to team up if want to stop this. Shadow explained

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