Chapter 1

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Ahhhhh yes, it's finally here! Let's hope I won't have those technical issues anymore and can properly save my story. I really like to write it and I don't know where this is going, so ehhhh... anything could happen!

Also this first chapter is kinda sucky but I think I have some good ideas for the next ones.

So anyways, have fun reading hhhh


P.o.v. Dom

It’s been 3 months now, since we defeated the Psycho. He’s currently being secured in the council, but we didn’t know more. Or what happens to him now. But we didn’t have to care, did we? I have more freedom again, now that the criminal underground is almost destroyed. And our band is going great. Chris eventually decided to join as our bassist. We also renamed our band to ‘Muse’, because Matt thought it would look cool on a poster. He also picked up songwriting again and we already have some of our own songs together. Matt was really talented and wrote some amazing lyrics. We just finished band practice and went out, to eat lunch. But we didn’t know yet, what… or much more, who would wait for us in our afternoon class…
“Okay please take your seats, I have someone to introduce to you!”, shouted our teacher after everyone was back from lunch. We’re getting a new student? “Okay please come in!” The door opened and a boy with long black hair stepped inside. No, no, no, what? “What the fuck is he doing here?”, shouted Matt and jumped up, pointing at the boy. “Matthew, please sit down. Lucas will be in your class from now on. The council decided.”, said the teacher calmly. “Yes, thanks for telling me? It’s not like he almost ruined my life a second time!”, hissed Matt, staring at Lucas with hostile. “Hey I’m over that, I’m a good guy now.”, said Lucas, folding his arms. “Also I’m gonna live with Mason again, so you’ll have to get used to me. And don’t worry, I can’t touch you precious humans or anyone else or I’ll die.” “What??” Matt wanted to jump towards the other boy, but I quickly pulled him back down to his seat. “Matt, we talked about this, you need to get over it!”, I said. “I’m moving in with you Dom. There’s no way I’m living under one roof with that psychopath!”, said Matt, folding his arms too. “Okay Lucas, what about you sit right next to Matthew? I’m sure Dominic wouldn’t mind to sit back in the last row.” The teacher stared at me. I wanted to say, that I’m totally NOT okay with this, but I was interrupted my Matt, who stood up again. “NO! I’m not playing along with this!”, he shouted. “Stop shouting Matt, or I’ll give you detention.”, threatened the teacher. “Oh, I’d rather take detention for my whole endless life, than sitting next to that jerk!”, Matt kept shouting. “Okay that’s it, Dominic, go to the back, Lucas, you sit next to Matthew. Hurry up, or I’ll keep you longer after class.” Reluctantly I packed all my stuff and went back to my old seat. I saw Matt foaming with rage. “Believe me, I want this as much as you. Not at all.”, said Lucas, as he sat down next to my boyfriend.

P.o.v. Matt

For the rest of the lesson I was desperately trying to hold back the urge to punch Lucas in his stupid psycho face. After we were finally finished, I got away from him as quick as possible and back to Dom. And of course Morgan asked me what my deal with the new kid was, when we got outside. I took a deep breath and began to explain. “So basically, he’s the reason why I’m here today. He was the one who changed me all those years ago. It’s all a long and… very complicated story. Of course I hate him, but what I hate more is that I’m also a little bit thankful because he killed my parents.” Morgan stared at me. “He fucking killed your parents and you’re thankful?” “My parents were assholes.”, I shrugged. “He freed me.” “What did they do exactly? Well I know, things were different back then, but still…”, asked Morgan. “Oh, the usual stuff… couldn’t handle that I’m gay and literally locked me in my room, beaten me up on a daily basis, controlled my whole life…”, I started to count down. “Okay wow, holy shit, I’m sorry…”, whispered Morgan. “Yeah don’t be. They now burn in Hell where they belong.”, I said. “Sometimes I just forget what you’ve been through already. I mean you’re much older than us. Speaking of, why do you still go to school?”, asked my friend. I shrugged. “Well, I don’t really have something better to do. I’m not old enough yet to do vampire-related work, you have to have at least 100 years of life experience and fully developed powers. And yeah, I don’t have either of those.” “So you’ll get even stronger?”, I asked. “Well yeah.”, said Matt, “And I’ll get a bunch of new powers too. But what’s annoying me is that they most likely will be similar to Lucas’ powers.” “Well that’s terrifying.”, said Dom. “Why?” “What if you get a power, that turns everything you touch to dust or something.” “Oh come on Dommeh, that’s ridiculous.” “Yeah, how should I know?”

“What are Lucas’ powers anyways?”, asked Morgan, a bit confused. “Well, there’s this electricity thing they both have…”, counted Dom. “Don’t remind me of that shit.”, I grumbled. “Electricity? Can you charge my phone?”, laughed our friend. “Even if I could, I’m only able to activate this power when I’m angry.”, I said annoyed. “You are angry right now.”, mumbled Dom next to me. I inhaled sharply. “Please Dom… we’re outside I can’t.” “Then let’s all go to my house. My room is prefect for training.”, said Dom enthusiastically. I groaned. “Bellamy, you know exactly why I want to do this with you.”, said Dom, trying to have a stern tone. “Yes okay, let’s go.”, I said annoyed.

So we sat in Dom’s room and I tried to form the same power around my body as the few times before. “No, there’s nothing.”, I sighted. “Come on, think of Lucas. Get angry!”, said Dom and punched my shoulder. Okay, another attempt. I concentrated and I actually felt a spark on my arm for a second. “Come on almost!”, shouted Morgan. “Fucking, there’s nothing more!”, I shouted after a few more seconds of trying. “Dommeh, give me a boost!”  “Bloody hell…”, sighted Dom, “Since when are you keen on drinking blood, especially mine?” “You were the one said I should get that stick out of my arse!”, I said. “Very well, but I swear, if you make this a habit… And I don’t take any responsibilities.”, said Dom and cut a small wound in his finger. I licked the few drops and instantly felt the boost. “Guys, this is so gross, you know.”, said Morgan, covering his eyes. As an answer I shocked him with a tiny bolt out of my finger. “Ouch! Hey!”, he yelled, rubbing his arm. I broke out in laughter. “Okay, enough messing around, show us what you’re capable of.”, cheered my boyfriend. I took a deep breath and now it was easy of form the electricity. Morgan stared at me amazed. But soon the boost disappeared again and the power faded. “Come on, again!”, I shouted and looked at Dom. But he shook his head. “I’m not your food source Matt. Better train to activate it on your own. Or see if you can do anything else yet.” “Ugh, fine.”, I groaned. “But it’s not sure they develop in the next days. I mean, they also could come in 10 or 100 years, I don’t know.” “Oh come on, you already developed this electricity, so why not get some other powers in the next days.”, asked Morgan, punching my shoulder too. “Yeah, it’s not that easy.”, I chuckled, “I wish it were. Some refreshment in my life would be great... But I’m hungry now.” “No you’re not, you just want to eat.”, said Dom, looking at his phone. “But I’m hungry.”, said Morgan, holding up his hand like in school. So we went downstairs to grab food. Dom’s mom made cookies, so we sat around the table, eating and chatting about random things. But I just couldn’t get powers out of my head. Were they really already coming?

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