Family gathering

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This one was inspired by donnybear 's imagine. She's another amazing writer, check her out.


It was 9pm and you and Justin were in the highway, driving to your parents house for a family gathering. You were an hour late and Justin was freaking out, going way over the speed limit.

"Babe, chill. We're only an hour late." You rested your hand on his, rubbing circles on his palm.

"That's the problem Y/N. What if they think badly of me because we're late? This is my chance to show them I am a good boyfriend. First impressions count Y/N - I don't want your parents to hate me." He but his lip anxiously and held your hand.

You laughed at how dramatic he was being. Being late was the last of your worries. In fact, being on time and/or early was considered the worst thing in your family.

"Justin, the last thing we need is to be on time. Everyone comes late. The only thing you have to worry about are the males in my family. They don't take boyfriends well. You better prepare for a good roasting." You felt him tense as he pulled up in the driveway which was already cramped due to the other cars parked. Most of the road was filled with your relatives' cars.

{Authors note: This is literally what happens when my family come over. Am I the only one?😂}

You both walked out the door, hand in hand, and walked into the open back door. You were instantly bombarded by relatives.

"AYE! Y/N!" Your brothers and cousins ran over, crushing you with hugs, and messing up your hair.

Your oldest brother, Tyron, stepped back and stared at Justin, who stood there awkwardly scratching the back of his neck.

"Guys look, it's the guy who did the Shmoney and Nae-Nae wrong!" He pointed, bringing everyone's attention to poor Justin.

Tyron led him outside where the others all crowded around.

"I-I'm Justin." Justin shakily held out his hand for Tyron to shake. Tyron just laughed.

"We don't shake hands here, popstar. Didn't Y/N teach you that? Y/N, come here!" He gestures for you to come, and you shuffled over, sending Justin a sympathetic look.

"Y/N, is this Bieber kid your boyfriend?" He asked, glaring at Justin.

You nodded, reaching over to hold Justin's hand.

"Let me ask this boyfriend of yours a couple questions. See if he's really worthy to date my baby sister." He rolled up his sleeves, pulling you over to his side.

"When is her birthday?" He motioned you to stay quiet and waited for a response.

"30th of October." Justin answered, causing a couple of claps from everyone else.
( That's my birthday BTW)

Five disses later 😹

Justin and Tyron were in the middle of a basketball match, and Tyron was winning. Thankfully, Justin had gotten all of the questions asked. But Tyron being the butt he is, he challenged him to a game. It was a one-on-one, sadly.

Just as Justin was aiming for the net, your mother came out into the backyard, waving her ladle.

"Tyron Marcus Lee Jackson! What do you think you're playing at?" She put her hands on her hip, frowning at him.

"Y/N brought home little teeny bopper Bieber - I was just playing around with him." he chuckled, shoving Justin.

"Leave the poor boy alone! He doesn't need you tormenting him! Y'all better apologise!" She shook her ladle once again firmly at everyone.

"Sorry Justin." the boys muttered at Justin. He went bright red.

Your mother grabbed both of your hands and took you to the kitchen, where your father was sitting.

"Dwayne! Say hello to Y/N and her boyfriend." Your mother patted him on the arm.

"Boyfriend?" Your dad looked up, looking at Justin.

"Nice to meet you sir. I'm Justin." They shook hands for a short time, before your dad pulled him into a hug.

"We don't shake hands around here boy. And please, call me Dwayne."


"Mrs.Jackson, this food is delicious!" Justin said through a mouthful of mashed potatoes.

"I'm glad you like it! It took me four long hours to make." She laughed, filling his plate even more.

"Mama, don't feed him too much, I don't want no fat boyfriend." You warned, sipping your rootbeer.

"Y/N, I think I might marry your mom."


This is definitely the longest imagine so far. I took a lot of thought into this guys.

Y'all better comment.

Rahma xxxx

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