Chapter 1

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Okay guys, first few chapter will be a bit not so good, but that's only because i need to get the story going, you feel me? haha anyway, enjoy.

- Molly :) xx

As I was in mid-air - doing a backflip on the trampoline - my stupid phone rang. Scaring me and causing me to land on my stomach. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and answered without hesitating at the name “Hey Jackson” I smiled.

Before you get the wrong idea, Jackson is my very best friend; we have known each other since diapers. He’s like a brother to me, a dopey, stupid, idiotic brother.

“Hey Jolie” he said breathlessly, “what’s up your ass?” I laughed. “oh nothing” he paused, taking a big breath. “ORRRRR! Maybe I finally asked Alice out and maybe she finally agreed to go to the movies with me and maybe I might have kissed her….. maybe” he said, all in one breath.

I squealed. Jackson is on the football team, he can get any girl he chooses, but yet, he’s been stuck crushing on this one girl Alice for years. He’s tried asking her out several times but he chickens out every single time.

“I’m so proud of you Boo!” I yelled. “What did Jackson do now?” my Mum asked, she was hovering over the barbeque at the top of the garden. “He FINALLY asked out Alice, Mum, can you believe it?!” I yelled. “oh so he does have balls then” I chuckled.

I could just hear Jackson laughing in the background. “So anyway, you coming to school tomorrow?” He asked after he finished laughing. “Umm, yeah, of course, we have band practice for the show remember?” he gasped “oh yeaaaaaah, well, I’m about to get in the car to come to your barbeque so byeeee” he squealed before hanging up, gosh he’s so childish.


“Yoooooo, Katy-Kat, in the house!” my head whipped around “KAT!” I screamed, running to her with open arms. She engulfed me in one of her loving hugs.

“do you realize what it is like to ride in a car for half an hour with that… pig” she gestured her thumb backwards, I looked over her shoulder to see Jackson wolfing down the whole snack table.

“JACKOOO” I yelled, sprinting to him and tackling him to the ground. He landed with an ‘oomph’. “It’s good to see you too Jolie” he struggled to say, at that point I realized that I was sitting on his stomach, making it difficult for him to breath. I jumped off and offered him a hand “help yourself to the alcohol” I said. He smirked and scampered off.

“ahh, what a wonderful friendship” Katrina said, clasping her hand on my shoulder from behind.


Why did Ancient Greeks have to invent the torture that is: school? I mean who enjoys day to day lectures about pointless crap?

“JOLIE?!” Kat snapped her fingers in front of my face, “were you listening?” she asked. “Umm. No” she chuckled “of course.”

“Anyway I was saying that apparently Trevor dumped Tracey, can you believe this I mean come on, and they were the perfect couple. The two most popular students, side by side, hopelessly in love” she sighed looking up at the white wash ceiling of this hell hole.

Jackson and I just looked at each other and laughed. She glared at us but eventually joined in. “what do we have next?” Jackson asked. “umm, I think we have Sport” I fist bumped him as we walked off to the change rooms, laughing the whole way, mocking Kat’s face when she was talking about love.

When we got to the change rooms we separated and as I entered the girls room, every eye was on me, what the hell.

I walked up to my friend Avery and asked “why is everyone staring?” she looked at me confused, then looked around the room. “Ohh, well people are saying that Jackson is cheating on Alice with you” she chuckled and then looked at me seriously “Is he?” I laughed “No Ave, he’s whipped.”

I got changed into my spandex shorts and the sport shirt the school gave you when you enroll.

I walked onto the football field, ready to be hammered. I hate Jackson. He made me choose football for my sport choice. I hate him.

I groaned as the teacher made me quarterback for the lesson, Trevor wasn’t too happy about that.

Trevor is the most popular guy, he’s been the school’s best quarterback for 3 years running and he’s still going strong.

I hate the fact that when I threw the ball, no one stopped the big bulky man who was charging at me, I got knocked to the ground and was winded because he elbowed me in the stomach. I had a banging headache and I needed to sit down, but my pride got the better of me.

I stood back up and got the ball, I called hike and aired the ball to the wide receiver, and surprisingly I knew a lot about this sport even though I hate playing it. My brother and I used to watch football every night before we went to bed, he’s just so distant now.

I sighed as I walked back into the change rooms and got dressed into my normal clothes, spraying a bit of deodorant and walking to band practice, finally something enjoyable in my day.


Comment, like, whatever you like :)


- Molly :) xx

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