Chapter 4

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As soon mum parked the car in the driveway. I jumped out, grabbing my bag from the foot space. I shut the door with a satisfying thud.

I slung my bag over my shoulder, wincing as a pen from inside stabbed my thigh.

I unlocked the door and slowly stepped inside. Odd. Usually the twins are running around, screaming and playing.

I turned slightly and flicked the light switch on, I heard mum ruffling about in the car. I checked over my shoulder to see that she was having trouble with some grocery bags, I sighed, plopping my bag next to the door.

I jumped down the steps and grabbed a few bags. By the time I got to the kitchen my hands were red.

I placed the bags on the counter and shook my hands out. Mum smiled at me "thanks dear, I think you should take a shower or something now" I smiled back and nodded.

I sprinted up the stairs and grabbed some clothes from my room. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.


Wear something nice

I replied with "what for?"

I waited for a reply but it never came, okay, change of clothes then.

I walked back into my room humming quietly to a song I was learning on the drums. I picked up an aqua over the shoulder top and some black tights. To me this was dressing up. Usually I would just chuck on some sweats and a tank, I'm not one for fancy dressing.

I took a nice hot shower savoring the nice feeling for as long a I could. I dried off and got changed into my carefully picked outfit.

Why the hell did mum want me to get into something nice, maybe she was having business partners over again. She's been doing that a lot lately.

I decide on wearing some flats, my chestnut hair was up in a high pony tail.

I walked downstairs to see mum setting up some snacks and making dinner. I grabbed a bowl of pretzels and sat facing the back of the chair. You know like those cop people do, legs to each side of the chair, facing the poor person they were interrogating.

"So who are the guests?" I said will a mouth full of pretzels. "Um, a friend from work and her family. Now where did I put that..." She trailed off, bent over, searching through the dishwasher.

She tucked a strand of her straight black hair behind her ear. Her tongue was stuck in between her teeth on the left side of her jaw. "AhHuh!" She yelled picking up a cheese grater from inside the dishwasher.

I chuckled at her and placed the bowl back on the counter. My mum doesn't look 40. She looks really young, late 20's maybe. She's really beautiful, I admire her so much, I have no idea what I'd do without her.

She may not be the nicest mum, but she definitely cares for the ones she loves. And that's why I love her.

Maybe when I'm older, I'll be as caring as her and maybe my kids will adore me as much as I adore her.

My thoughts were interrupted by a short, sharp knock at the door followed by "It's Jenny and Michael! Anyone home?" The so called Jenny yelled.

I rushed to the door, flattening down my hair and straightening my clothes. Opening the door, I put on my best smile.

"Hello. Come on in" I said with a fake happy voice.

"Oh hi sweetie, I'm Jenny" a beautiful blonde woman with curly hair down to her waist smiled gently as she engulfed me in a hug.

She pulled away after squeezing my organs out and smiled, rubbing my shoulders before letting the man introduce himself.

"I'm Michael" he smiled and shook my hand "Jolie" I replied. These people were actually really nice.

"Mum! Dad! I need help carrying the food!" A familiar voice yelled, stepping through the door- oh shit.

"Oh Jolie darling, this is our son, Trevor" Jenny smiled. "I-I know" I stuttered.

There, in all his might, stood Trevor. Smirking lopsidedly as usual. His jet black hair was slightly brushed back but still messy. His bright blue eyes seemed more vibrant than normal. He wore a tight white shirt, black skinny jeans and a black leather jacket; the typical bad boy look. His perfectly square jaw had slight stubble lining the edge.

"Jolie can help with the food" while i was ogling Trevor I hadn't actually realized that my mum had appeared behind me. I groaned internally and nodded. Mum, remind me to yell at you when these lovely people leave.

I looked up at Trevor through my eyelashes to see him still smirking at me. Gosh, does he ever stop smirking, sweet baby Jesus that boy will be the death of me.

"Yeah, come on Jolie" amusement clear in his voice "come help me" he grabbed my arm and dragged me outside. No not my hand, my arm, what kind of boy grabs someone's arm.

He let go of my arm and pulled his keys out of his back pocket, I couldn't help but stare at his ass. Yum. I absentmindedly licked my lips.

He chuckled which made me jump "I can see you in the car you know" oh shit.

"Uh- I um- shit" I muttered. He scoffed and opened the boot of his shiny black car, probably cost a bazillion dollars. He pulled out a cake and plopped it in my hands lucky it had a lid otherwise it would have fallen onto the driveway.

Then he grabbed some salad in a large bowl and placed it under his arm. After we grabbed everything we walked back into the house and through to the kitchen.

Our parents were all talking and I was surprised to see that my dad was socializing and not only that but he was enjoying it. He's a lot like me; awkward.

We placed the food onto the table and dug in. I moaned in delight at the taste of mums ravioli. "Mum this is delicious" I complimented. "Thank you darl, your father helped me" she smiled, patting my dads hand that was resting on the table.

I scoffed and kept eating, I actually had two servings, then dessert. I was so hungry and I didn't even know why.

"How can you eat so much?!" Trevor exclaimed beside me "no need to yell, and I'm hungry Einstein" woah, where'd that come from.

He looked just as surprised as I was. Soon it was replaced by a smirk "well I sure do like a girl that appreciates food as much as I do" he leant over and whispered in my ear. I felt his lips brush against my ear before he pulled away, luckily he didn't see the blush forming on my face.

"Dick" I muttered. Lucky for me, the whole table went quite at that exact moment. I looked up to see so many wide eyes staring back at me.

"JOLIE! Do not use that foul language at my table" my mum yelled, I rolled my eyes. She's only being this authoritative because there are guests.

"Yup" I said and stood up, I grabbed my plate and glass and walked to the kitchen to rinse my dishes. When I dried my hands I heard a low chuckle "never knew you were this bad ass" he said.


"Only if you insist" he winked. I sighed "They're going to be talking for ages, I won't be surprised if you all stay the night" I said more to myself.

"Well wanna watch a movie?" He suggested. I thought about it for a while. "Ah screw it lets go" I laughed

We walked into my room and I put '21 Jump Street' into the DVD player. I walked back over to my bed and rested my head on the headrest. Halfway through the movie I think I fell asleep because I woke up in someone's lap, their fingers working through my hair.

I was too tried to care though so I went back to my peaceful sleep.

:) - Molly xx

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