Chapter 2

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My computer decided to go and die, as soon as I published that last chapter, seriously wtf! Okay I'm going to have to upload from my iPhone now, which sucks.

Again I am so sorry! Please stick with me?

- Molly :) xx

As I walked into the music rooms slowly I saw a glimpse of jet black hair, the next thing I knew I was being pulled up off of the cold ground by a muscly arm. "Watch where you're going! You might get seriously hurt!" the deep and raspy voice shouted. I looked up and my eyes widened, oh no, oh dear, oh no this isn't good.


Trevor Valentine. It's going to be okay, just scuttle off like that little wimp you are. "umm, ah- sorry?" it came out like more of a question. I looked down and played with the hem of my shirt, it seemed a lot less intimidating than him.

He cleared his throat in annoyance, probably at my lack of social skills. "I-uh, I have to go" I stuttered as I swiftly sprinted into the music room, closing and locking the door. I chucked my tattered bag to the side and slumped against the door.

I sighed deeply. Well that was awkward, why I can't just be like the popular girls - outgoing and confident - I don't know.

But no. No. I had to be that social retard, the one that can't even talk to a person without tripping over nothing or choking on my spit.

"Jolie?" Jackson whispered. "JOLIE!" he yelled. I laughed nervously; I still can't get over that awkward moment, why?

"Hey Jackson" I sighed. Why didn't I just keep to myself, I would have never run into anyone, I wouldn't have had that awkward moment and I wouldn't be feeling upset about my awkwardness and I would be able to practice with my band better.

Oh well, I'll practice for a bit then I'll go home and go for a run, that always calms me down.

"Awkward moment again?" he asked, "How the hell did you know?" my tone was bored and un-amused. "Every time you have an awkward encounter you become all sarcastic and mopey. Plus, I saw it" He smirked.

"Right, lets practice" I breathed pretending that I hadn't heard him. Picking up my bag and unzipping the blue zipper, I grabbed my lucky sticks, the very same pair that I got with my first kit. I re-zipped my bag and walked over to the sparkling red drum kit, why can't I have a kit as nice as this.

I sat on the worn out, black leather stool. Putting my foot on the kick drum pedal and flipping my sticks in my hand I began to hit the snare lightly, thinking about my life. Although it did help to imagine my life in a much worse state.

I was tired of waiting for my band mates so I decided to start practicing. I played a few songs, mainly Simple Plan.

"You're good" I heard a person whisper behind me, hot breath bouncing off my neck.

"I-uh" I turned around, confused as to who was talking, instantly regretting my decision. My breath caught in my throat as my eyes widen in surprise, I tried moving but I was frozen. Completely unable to move.

He was so close I could see the little blonde hairs above his mouth which are invisible usually, I could see the soft smirk portrayed on his picture perfect face.

I was finding it difficult to breathe as I tried to remember if I brushed my teeth or not this morning.

"Uh-I, this isn't what it looks like?" I breathed, finally breaking from my trance. I noticed his smirk stretch into a grin, he chuckled softly causing his minty breath to wash over my face.

"So you're not in a band?" he whispered, he was staring into my eyes, it was actually quite intimidating.

It felt like he was staring into my soul. Okay that's a bit dramatic, but it was frightening to see the emotion in his eyes staring straight at me.

"Well, um- ah, sort of" I stuttered, cursing myself mentally for being so awkward.

He scoffed and straightened back up, running a hand through his jet black hair.

He started to walk out of the room, taking long strides as he went, but just before he left he turned to me and smiled: a genuine smile.

"You've always intrigued me, Jolie"

And with that he left, leaving me speechless. My jaw hanging dramatically, my sticks clashing to the floor.


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