1. My Bestfriends Brother

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Okay so I wrote the beginning a while back, so it's not the greatest in the beginning, sorry :( but I do think that it gets better in the next chapters :)
it's also dedicated to bunnies44 😂 for obvious reasons😏

Kelsey's POV



He was infuriating and really stupid. But he was also my bestfriends brother so I saw him almost 24/7 oh what joy *note the sarcasm.
How this "out of the ordinary" shouting started was over a word, I know stupid.
I was over at Sophie's house, the coolest most amazing person in the whole world and my best friend, but anyways Sophie, Ashton(Nick's friend), Nick(Sophie's brother) and I were in her garage playing ping pong when the "fight" broke out.

~A few minutes earlier~

"Your stupidity is making me stupid" I said, I don't even know what stupid thing he said or did anymore, but knowing him it was probably amazingly stupid.

"Stupidities not even a real word, nerd" Nick replied, nice comeback and logic don't ya think so? Um no. But that's how that pleasant conversation was started, I know like I said it was stupid.

~present time~

"So do you wanna sleepover tonight?" Sophie asked.

"Ya, sure just let me check", I called home and asked my mom. "Okay my mom said I could, what do you want to do now?" I asked her.

"Talk about how you are in love with my brother!" She said a little too excitedly.

"IamNOTinlovewithhim...eww", I defended hastily.

"Um I didn't understand anything you just said but alrighty then", she replied.

"I said I am NOT in love with your disgusting brother", I repeated.

"Okay the only true part of that little spiel would be part about him being disgusting, but you know you love him," she said while, failing, to wiggle her eyebrows.

"OH MY GOSH I DO NOT LOVE NICK", I practically screamed.

"SHUT UP!" a male voice shouted I'm assuming it was Nick. Sophie has 3 brothers. Christian, a moody almost 18 year old, Nick, the "player" who just turned 17 a couple of months back, who also thinks he's really cool(even though he isnt) and Luke, who's 9 and can be really cute and nice but could also turn into the devil himself, it's pretty scary when that happened. They're all pretty nice to me -well except Nick, but he has his moments. Her house is always filled with noise, but it's actually really fun over there, especially when theirs a bunch of people over. Right now I'm 16 and Sophie's 15, turning 16 in a few weeks!

"You shut up," she shouted back to Nick then faced me again "Whatever helps you sleep at night Slug" she replied nonchanantley. I dont really know why she calls me slug, but that started when we were 12 and it kinda stuck.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night," I repeated back to her. Just then the doorbell rang and Sophie went and got it. A few moments later she came back to where we were sitting in the living room, followed by a couple of Nick's friends, quite possibly his only friends, who went down to his room.


"Everything about that statement is WRONG", I replied back to her, "And there were two boys who walked through that door, so which one do you think I'm in love with?" I asked.

"Hmm lets see, I'm pretty sure you like Ashton, but you do seem to show some interest in Grant," she said while rubbing her chin. Grant was another one of Nick's friend's, but I've only seen him a few times so I dont know where she got that idea, but then again she thinks I like her brother and his friends.

"Okay sure... Im totally and completely in love with your hot brother and his really cute friends," I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

"I knew it, how many times have I called this, I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!" she yelled. Obviously not hearing the sarcasm in my voice.

"Yep, you totally called it congratulations," I said not even bothering to argue with her.

~later that night~

"OH MY GOSH IT'S SO HOT IN HERE!" Sophie whined, a minute later she got up and left her room without saying anything, something she did A LOT, and I'm not really sure why actually.

"Sophie where are going," I said in a hushed tone, because her room was right next to her parents. I wasn't really surprised when she went down to Nick and Christians' room, because it was downstairs and was a lot colder than upstairs where it was pretty hot in her cramped room. Earlier that night Christian came back home to get his stuff to go to a friends house and Nick went with his friends to go do whatever they do. When I got down there Sophie was sprawled across Christian's bed, but I couldnt blame her his bed was really comfortable.

Later, I woke up late at night or probably early in the morning and saw a flash and what looked liked a human figure so obviously I thought it was a murderer so I tried to hide under the blankets though I couldnt because Sophie, so wonderfully, took all the blankets. Wow nice friend I know I could've died because of that murderer or even hypothermia. I chose to forgive her because the "murderer" didnt kill me and decided to leave.

In the morning, when we woke up I recalled the, what could've been a horrible story, to her. But do you know what her reaction was, she bursted out in laughter, I know what a great friend. When we went up to get breakfast I noticed something odd. On my toes, in red pen, their were smiley faces on a few of my toes and on my foot it said "got pranked".

"What the heck?" I questioned.

All I know is whoever did this better be prepared for amazing payback...

and whoever did this is really stupid like "got pranked" really.

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