4. If Stalking a Crush Online Was Illegal We'd Be in Jail

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Ch.4// If stalking a crush online was illegal we'd be in jail

(sorry for mistakes) Unedited

"If we die right now I want you to know that you were my bestest friend and you were always s-," I was saying before I got cut off by another yell.

Right now we were both huddled under Christian's comforter on his bed freaking out. This was Nick's weird way of getting us back for being in his room --creeping us out. I know that may seem stupid, but in all honesty it was terrifying. He would always do this when we played hide and seek when were younger. In fact he even made a game that you would be in the pitch black and he would turn on creepy music and sounds and he would try and drag you into another room and "kill" you, while the others had to save you from the locked room. Or there's even a twist on that game, if you've seen the movie 'The Evil Thing', he would pretend to be the evil thing. He knew that he could scare us still to this day so thats what he did.

"Cool beans," she replied.

Really thats all she has to say knowing that we could potentially be murdered at any given moment.

I was about to say something, before I was brutally shaken, like at least be a gentlemen. Please, Nick being a gentleman is like trying to drown a fish, it's unheard of.

So let me back up a little. After Nick +groupies found us in his room we tried to show them our 'props'. I mean I guess they believed us about the props.The part they focused on though was the fact that we were still in his room and that meant that we were doomed to be punished. So a little after this little incident we tried to make a run for it. Ya as you can see it didnt go so well. Nick had his 'friends' block the door way. I have to give it to him it was kind of a smart move. But us, being girls, were two steps ahead of him and his little plan. Sadly for us our plan required a little more effort then we thought and it backfired.

On a better note though, this is hopefully his revenge. Surely, its enough right? Ya we didnt reakky think so either. But, I mean what can they even coome up with their definitley no where near con artists.

"Okay, I'm going to make a run for it," Sophie replied in a whisper.

"YOU CANNOT LEAVE ME HERE ALONE!" I whisper shouted.

"Dont worry im not i'm just going to turn on the lights," she said.

"Okay but if they capture you your on your own," I called after her.

"Gee thanks," she said sarcastically.

A few moments later the lights came back on. I looked around and was dismayed at what I say.

They weren't even down here. The dimwits left. How did we not know about this? Maybe because they left the 'scream machine' on and occasionally came down and shouted some dumb thing. I jumped up from the bed and stormed up the stairs. They left us down here, like ugh. Waste of our times.

"Care to explain yourselves?" I asked.

"Nope, theres not any thing to explain Blue-blue," he said, so nonchanantley I wanted to rip his head off. Oh if I havent already mentioned Blue-blue was another terrible nickname he made --dont even ask me how he got it because, frankly I dont even know where he got it.

"Okay lets just leave, just being in the same room with them is making me lose brain cells," she whispered to me.

"Ya okay," I said while laughing.

"Oh by the way we left," one of Nicks friend shouted as we were walking upstairs.

"What?" Sophie and I said at the same time.

"You said care to explain yourselves so I just replied to you," he explained.

"Ya no duh, we saw that you left," I said.

"And couldnt you have at least said that after she asked the question," Sophie added.

"You see that wouldnt have been fun," he replied.

Yep, thats when I figured out which boy was talking. I mean I guess the voice kind of gave it away too. It was Ashton you could tell by his 'reasoning'. He was Nicks main groupie as well.

"Alrighty then," she replied.

~later that night~

"Okay so I have a problem," I said.

"Which is?" she asked.

"So theres this boy," I trailed on.

"Yaaa?" she said while dragging out the ''a''.

"But he's a little older then me and I dont think he really... knows who I am, you know what Im saying like he just doesnt really talk to me I guess," I added.

"Ooh ya I see your problem but I think I can solve it, she said while rubbing her hands together and aNtually looking excited.

"Ya oh-kay what is it?" I asked actually really wanting to know what she was going to say.

"Stop drooling over my brother, put on your ig girl panties and talk to him," she said dully but none the less dramatically.

"OH MY -I WAS NOT TALKING ABOUT YOUR BROTHER!" I shouted while throwing a pillow at her.

"Sure you werent," she said while smirking.

"Im being serious Sophie," I said.

"Okay so if its not him then who is it?" she asked.

"His names David if you must know," I answered.

"Aww cute, wittle kelsey-welsey has a wittle crush on a wittle boy," she cooed.

"You do not have to say it like that you know," I said.

"Nah thats not as fun," she said.

A couple minutes later she started spazzing out. I guess she was celebrating something.

"Okay so you know how you described dream boy to me earlier, ya well guess what I did...I found him on instagram!" she squeled.

"How did you find him?" I asked.

"I just looked at other boys who went to your school and looked for any Davids and ones that fit your descripton and had a last name that started with B," she said simply.

"Okay how you did that so fast actually kind of alarming but show me anyways," I said.

She actually found him.

"Hey you know if stalking your crush online was illegal we'd be in jail," Sophie said to me after looking at his page for a little while.

"Ya I know we'd be criminals, cool right?" I said.

"You betchya," she said and we both started laughing.

Were laughing about being criminals and stalking boys too, huh maybe were not normal, oh well.


Okay so this probably sucks but I had to put up something. So im planning on putting some 'drama' into the next chapter thats always fun right? Haha probably not but whatever. Ill try and update ASAP!

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