Chapter 1

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Grace and Simon loved each other. Not in the familial or platonic sense, not even the romantic sense. But something deeper, an understanding, a complete and utter knowledge of each other, that kind of love. Grace knew today was going to be a great day, because today she would lead the Apex in a raid alongside the person who mattered most to her, just like she did everyday. An energy tingled in the air as the followers of the Apex prepared for their raid. Weapons being maintained hair being cut and general controlled mayhem abound in the minutes before they would be able to raid. Simon spent his few minutes before the raid completing a diagram he was working on. His models and figures calmed him and gave him reprieve from the wild world of the Apex. The two leaders separately suited up preparing for the best part of their job as Apex leaders, taking what was rightfully theirs from a car full of Nulls. The two converged at the top of the escalators, descending into an adoring crowd of followers who worshiped their every move.

Grace gave a small smile and put a hand on Simon's shoulder to which he responded with a smile in return. The two didn't even have to speak to each other to have an understanding. The Apex descended upon the car, the children desperate to attack any Null in their path in the pursuit of treasure.

"Take what you want Apex! Highest number gets the pick of the raid!" Grace announced. This turned the children's already violent raid into an all out frenzy, each excited to gather what they wanted from their newly claimed car. Simon grappled up to the stage lights which looked at him with about as much fright as a stage light could manage. Normally him and Grace choose not to deal with Nulls so directly unless necessary but this one's singing had particularly pissed him off. He swung the bat smashing the glass sending shards everywhere. Graces smiled and spun as the embers of the fire danced down around her. Simon could have watched her like that all day, free and happy and home. His love of watching Grace do anything was only surpassed by his love of gloating.

"You see that Grace," he called "I'm already up fourteen!" Never one to be out done Grace casually responded

"That's not bad." Internally she laughed, she knew Simon wouldn't be able to resist the bait.

"Not bad? You think you can beat it?" Simon responded with joking indignation. Really there was nothing either of them could say to hurt the other, but their back and forth came naturally to them.

"Already have, Socks and Sandals." Grace said her killing strike using her old nickname for Simon to solidify their teasing. She tore into a Null as if to punctuate her point.

"Aww come on, give me a new nickname. I was ten and my mom thought they were practical." Simon said faking hurt over Grace's comment.

"Ha! Never trust an adult! Had she ever heard of shoes?" Grace responded. Truly her and Simon were almost adults both being seventeen. But really they'd never be adults, as long as they lead the Apex, and had each other, they'd never need to become adults.

"Why no! What are these shoo-es you speak of?" Simon approached her as the reporte went on. He gave a smug smile, really just pleased to get closer to Grace. She was so pretty, always had been. The two were halted by the sound of a number changing. Looking down the two watched Grace's number rise.

"Wow, nice combo. Guess you win again, Knee Pads." Simon quipped

"Ahh! Ooh! Ow!" Grace imitated a pained noise before quipping back "You're just jealous I know how to make practical look good." As the two watched the stage become engulfed in flames

Simon asked "Time to go?"

"Time to go." Grace affirmed as the two prepared for the exit of the car. Simon went to go check the exit door becoming exasperated at its refusal to budge.

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