Chapter 10

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                                                                                     Chapter 10

Grace shifted and turned uncomfortably in her bed. She'd woken up only a few minutes ago and her body refused to let her go back to sleep. Ultimately she kicked the covers off entirely and walked over towards her mirror instinctively reaching for the red lipstick as she'd done countless times before. Realizing this she stopped herself and stared at her reflection in the mirror. It was odd that she'd still reached for the lipstick despite not having applied it to her face in this mirror for four months. She paused that number, it seemed too high. But yes it had been four months since she'd last put the red wave on her face in this mirror. She and Simon had been gone from the Redemptive (formerly known as the Apex) for a month, and it had been three months since they'd returned. Oh how things had changed in that time. A new name had been selected by the children, and a new mission statement. First of all anyone could come and go as they pleased an option which some of the older members chose, though most stayed with them. Secondly their new goal was to help the children get their numbers down by solving puzzles and helping denizens. Finally their help extended to any passenger who wanted it and anyone who had questions about the nature of the train could come to them. The system had worked wonders, the Redemptive was sending kids home everyday. In fact last night they'd sent their last kid home. Grace felt her chest tighten at this, she was definitely happy that all of the children had made their way back home but the train just wouldn't be the same without them. Tired of staring at herself in the mirror Grace resigned herself to struggling to fall back asleep in her own bed before changing her mind, leaving her room and walking over to Simon's instead. Opening the door Grace was greeted by a sleeping Simon who was utterly unaware of her presence. God he was a dork. She loved him so much. Walking over she gently shook him. "Simon, wake up." she whispered. Simon groaned in response and slightly opened his eyes.

"What?" he asked tiredly and through hazy eyes.

"I can't sleep." Grace responded honestly. In response Simon lifted the blanket up and offered for her to come join him. Grace took the offer and climbed into bed next to him. As he always did Simon put his arms around her as they lay there together. Grace was surprised at how quickly she felt herself getting tired though she figured she shouldn't be, after all the reason she couldn't sleep hadn't been merely one of discomfort but rather one of fear. Though she'd never let herself admit it Grace hated how quiet the car was with all of the children gone and being alone in her room allowed her mind to wander towards her deepest fear, that she'd wake up one day to an empty mall car, Simon having left her behind. And moreover that she'd check her number only to find that it had gone up and she'd be on this train by herself for a long time. However with Simon's arms around her, the steady sound of his breathing, the gentle beating of his heart, those thoughts were kept at bay. They were together, they were safe, he wasn't going to leave her. Grace let her eyes close and she drifted off to sleep. Sometime later Simon woke up and rubbed the sleep from his eyes as he did. Looking over to see Grace still asleep he found himself a little surprised. He'd been only half awake when she'd entered and he'd almost thought it had been a dream. Silently, Simon shifted and made his way out the bed. Grace was still fast asleep and he had no intention of waking her, but someone had to go make breakfast. He looked at her for a moment as she slept. She was so peaceful. God he loved her. He wondered if Grace ever looked at him and thought the same ignoring the way his heart pounded at the thought. He made his way to the makeshift kitchen of the car and looked through what was available. The denizens in the breakfast car had been nice enough to give them some pancake mix last week and they still weren't out so pancakes it was. As he cooked his thoughts wandered to the question of his number. He and Grace had both taken to wearing gloves and neither had checked their number in a long time. After all, no use obsessing over it and risking accidentally bringing their number back up. And yet something in his stomach told him that their numbers were pretty low. Though that may have just been because they'd sent all the Redemptive children back home. Simon heard Grace descend the escalator behind him just as he finished cooking. He handed her a plate and she gave him a peck on the lips in return. As the two sat down with their food Grace looked around the empty car and felt a sense of urgency crop up in her. Something in her told her that her number was low, that they'd be returning home soon. If there were any loose ends left to tie up on the train now was the time to do so. Staring at the pancakes on her plate Grace knew one loose end that she'd never forgive herself if she didn't tie up. "I want to see Hazel." Grace said serious. Simon looked up at her shocked. In all honesty he'd been thinking about Hazel quite a bit recently but going to try and find her was something else.

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