Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

The embers of the fire had long since died and the light of the sun filtered into the cave. As the sun's rays reached Grace's eyes she stirred and blinked, finally being woken from her slumber. She turned to her left to wake Simon and was alarmed to find that he wasn't there. Panic set in for a moment as she feared he may have had a confrontation with that woman before she allowed herself to relax. Simon had promised her he wouldn't talk to the woman, he wouldn't lie to her. He probably just went to go scouting or something, he'd meet up with them soon. Grace looked down in her lap to find that Hazel was curled up in it and already awake. The girl giggled when finally being noticed by Grace.

"You drooled on me in your sleep." she laughed. Grace smiled at her.

"And how long have you been up?" Grace sweetly asked.

"Forever!" Hazel dramatically responded. At this Grace laughed before deciding to see exactly how long Hazel had been up.

"Did you see when Simon left?" she asked. Grace was no longer worried Simon had done something reckless but she still wished she knew how long he'd been gone. Hazel shook her head at the question.

"Nuh uh, he's been gone even longer than forever!" Hazel said. Grace felt a pit form in her stomach that she chose to ignore. Simon was fine, he had to be, she wouldn't let herself think anything different. Grace and Hazel got up and Hazel rolled off her lap. As Grace picked up Tuba's bag Hazel stared intently at her hand which had evidently transformed into a claw while she slept. Grace noticing this sought to correct it.

"Hey Hazel be careful we don't want that lady to see you." she reminded her. Hazel retracted and then produced the claw at will a few times, it seemed she could now control the switching of her forms. "Hazel, stop that." Grace ordered. Hazel looked at her concerned.

"Why? It's me, it's all me." Hazel said solemnly.

"What if you get stuck that way?" Grace asked, to Hazel's displeasure.

"Why would that be a bad thing?" Hazel shot back. Grace and Simon were so weird about her turtle half, treating it like it was some kind of defect. She knew it wasn't. Grace prepared to shoot back a justification but was saved by the arrival of one of the large flying serpents they'd seen earlier. Apparently, it could also slither and at the moment it was slithering towards them with the intent to eat them both. As it reared its head and barred it fangs Grace shielded Hazel with her body in the hope that the creature would eat her rather than the little girl. However they were both spared this fate when suddenly the woman who'd been chasing them earlier ran in and downed the serpent with a shovel. She turned to them panting, clearly it had taken considerable effort to get to them in time. She stared at them with intent, if they dared give chase when she eventually caught up to them she would ensure it was the last time they escaped her, likely through forcefully tying them up. Grace, seeing no clear path of escape armed herself with a nearby sharp rock.

"Back off lady!" she ordered. The woman dropped her shovel and raised her hands above her head, She preferred this to be a peaceful interaction if only because it would require less running around. She began her speech.

"Look, I'm no good at this, but I just saved your lives and uh, well," she extended a hand towards them as a show of good faith. Grace still stood in between her and Hazel, defensive and ready to fight if necessary. "Hello, I'm Amelia." she offered in an attempt to give a proper introduction this time. Grace didn't falter still standing near her rock in hand and Hazel behind her. Amelia simply sighed. "You kids want eggs? I'm making eggs." she said. This excited Hazel who ran from behind Grace towards the mouth of the cave.

"Yes, please!" she said as she ran towards the cooking eggs.

"Hazel!" Grace said through the girl was already gone. Amelia gave Grace a sympathetic look, she did not care for children and she pitied those who did. Given no other option Grace followed Hazel out of the cave and sat in front of the pan where Amelia cooked.

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