Chapter 4

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                                                                                       Chapter 4

The party of four now found themselves within a snowy car. Hazel and Tuba excitedly ran around, playing, utterly engulfed in their own little world of familial bliss. Grace and Simon hung back idly chatting something of no real importance as a simple excuse for thinly veiled flirting. The scene was almost idyllic. That was until Simon shifted gears into soldier mode. "Everyone stay moving, frostbite may not be flashy but it's just as deadly as lava moles and bottomless pits. We can't afford to lose anyone to it's icy grip," he said as he marched onward "Luckily for us I know an excellent way to keep the circulation going." and with a sly smile he pelted Grace with a snowball. For a second the air was still between them. Hazel looked at the two nervously in fear of an argument. And then,

"Ha ha ha! Alright Socks and Sandals you're on!" Grace joked as she began crafting a snowball to throw back. Simon responded to this joking threat with laughter as well and an atmosphere of happiness engulfed the group as a snow war began.

"You better watch out Hazel!" Simon called making a much smaller snowball to toss at the girl. Hazel did not take this lightly and quickly responded with

"No you watch out!" as she began crafting a projectile as well. Grace and Hazel took shelter behind Tuba who soaked up all of Simon's snowballs with ease as they giggled and threw their icey projectiles.

"Hey it's three against one! How is that fair? You've got to let me pick someone to be on my side." Simon said jokingly, frustrated at the unfair competition. He made a show of surveying each of his competitors to pick to be on his team. Looking at Grace he said, "Well I can't pick you, my team is for cool people only." After Grace's expected reaction of fake hurt he laid eyes on Hazel and said, "Hazel you're the only one awesome enough to fight with me. I choose you." The little girl laughed and smiled.

"Yes, I knew I was the coolest!" she said as she sauntered over to Simon's side. "We're gonna take you two down!" she exclaimed to their opponents. Grace was quick with a steady barrage of snow balls meanwhile, Tuba began crafting a truly gigantic snowball.

"Hazel, stay behind me! There's a big attack coming!" At that moment Simon felt something icy and cold hit his back. He turned to see Hazel with a victorious look on her face. "No, Hazel, not my own teammate! You betrayed me?" Simon said in his most over dramatic voice. Hazel quickly followed suit.

"Yes! That's the first lesson you should have learned. Never trust a double agent!" She giggled as she ran to the other side "Hazel is the winner!" she said as she climbed onto Tuba's back. Tuba had a humorous look on her face.

"Well I spent all this time on making a giant snowball, it feels like a waste not to use it." Tuba said. Grace laughed happily before giving a suggestion.

"You can still use it on Simon, right Simon?" she laughed

"No you cannot! I call armistice!" Simon responded though it was too late as the huge ball of snow crushed him. As he escaped it he wore a striking look of anger on his face, a piercing fierce glare. Which quickly melted into laughter over the whole thing. The gang all enjoyed a hearty laugh until the snowfall increased. "The snow is coming down faster, what should we do?" he asked

"We'll have to find shelter somewhere." Grace responded. The group trudged into the snow as the light flurry increased to a blizzard. As they struggled through the snow Hazel snuggled into Tuba's arms though it was clear the girl was still cold. Simon and Grace shared a look before Grace began to remove her gloves. "Hazel put these on." she offered, something which Hazel happily obliged. It was only then as she handed them over that Grace saw something strange. Hanging behind the rest of the group Grace looked at her arm and counted. Her fears were confirmed, she was missing a row. The girl barely had time to consider the implications of this when the group came across a cabin. As they burst through the door into the warmth of the abode Grace hastily took her gloves back. It was only after they'd shaken off the snow that a familiar voice was heard.

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