Ch.4~ BIG trouble

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"I-I" I got lost in words, I didn't want to tell them I was with conner because then Jennifer would get mad at me for hanging out with her ex-boyfriend.

"Where were you." My mom said folding her arms.

"I..was kidnapped and... I ran back." I stuttered on a couple of words. I then saw my sister walk down stairs in her pajamas, when she got to the bottom and noticed that I was here she came and started "caring" for me.

"OMG!! I was SO worried about you!" She said she came over and hugged me.

"You better tell me were you were or I'll tell them that you failed your math test." She whispered in my ear. She stopped hugging me and went back up stairs.

"I'm sorry I just don't believe that you were kidnapped." My dad announced. "Why would run away." My mom worried. "I didn't run away I just forgot to tell you I was leaving." I shivered in fear "so then were. the. HELL WERE YOU!!!" My dad screamed he had is angry face on.

I felt bad about lying to my parents. I would tell them I was with Connor and they would probably not be this mad, but they might tell Jennifer. "I was at... Lauren's house." I lied, swallowing my guilt. "Ok why didn't you just say that." My mom looked like she was about to cry. "I....I'm sorry." I literally got on my knees. they were used to Jennifer being they bad child, but this time it's me. I was always good and never got into trouble, actually I would be the one to get Jennifer out of trouble.

"I still don't believe you." my dad protested. I just wanted to choke him. "dad please just tell me to go to my room and just forget about it...........please ." I begged ".......your grounded for three months." He blurted turning around and walking back to the kitchen.

"that is NOT fair, when Jennifer's in trouble you only ground her for a week, why is it always different for me!!! And don't you say because she older and know more mature things than me!!!" I yelled at my dad. "BUT YOU SHOULD KNOW BETTER, DONT BECOME YOUR SISTER, BECAUSE FOR GOD SAKES, I CANT HANDLE ANOTHER JENNIFER!!!" My dad turned around and yelled at me.

A tear rolled down my face. he stomped to the kitchen and slammed the door. "Honey-" I interrupted my mom, "no it's fine I don't need him anyway." I told her, I rain up stairs.

I opened my door and slammed when I got in. I jumped on my bed and started sobbing in the pillow. "URGGH" I went.

I got up and was about to call Conner and tell him sorry, but I heard Jennifer walk into my room. " where were you?" She asked she shut the door and came closer to me.

"I... was with a boy." I told Jennifer. she smiled "ohhhh, what's his name?" She asked she sat on my floor. I gave in to peer pressure and just had to tell her. "I....I" I couldn't say it, It just didn't want to come out of my mouth. "was with... Henry" I lied more. omg, did I just say I was going out with my guy friend?

That is so gross. "Henry?" She said. She started laughing hard. "I can't believe you would date a...well, boy like him."
"We're not dating." I said. gosh, I wanted to get that image out of my head. "Hahahahaha!!!" She wouldn't stop laughing.

Just then we heard a scream from the kitchen. "haha- what the hell?" My sister cursed, we got up and headed down stairs.

We both walked into the kitchen, "what wrong." My sister asked. my dad and mom were standing there hugging each other. "I got the job!" My mom cheered. Wow, that surprised me, she's been wanting to work as a photographer for a while and now she gets to take pictures of famous people.

"Congrats mom." Jennifer applauded. what just happened. My dad was mad two seconds ago and now he's filled with joy. "Was this suppose to happen?" I asked. my mom smiled. "yeah, I've been wanting to work a photographer for so long now, and now I get to work with people who are all over the Internet ." she explained

"Well congratulations mom." I also applauded.
The next day I started to get ready for school.

I skipped to my clothes singing an annoying tune that wouldn't get out of my head.

I ended up wearing a knitted top that said, 'believe in love' and I wore my Blake and white polkadots tights with my high tops. I then lefted my room.

I remembered just then that I still have my sisters makeup. I looked into the bathroom to see if she was in there.

She was taking selfies in the mirror. I rolled my eyes, sisters these days. I quietly walked to her room trying not to make a peep.

I opened the door and just then noticed her undergarments were laying on the bed. "Gross." I clinching my face. They were pink with lace on them. I tried to move forward, but that was just...... overall unspeakable. I moved to her vanity and saw my reflection in the mirror. she had kiss marks on the sides and had pictures of her "new" boyfriend on the counter.

I placed her makeup back in her bag and moved away slowly. I made it out clean, and I was just in time because the bus is now here.

I grabbed a peace of bacon on my way out, and I just stood at the bus stop all by my self in the hundred degree weather.

It past a few minutes and finally my best friend Lauren came. "hey girl." She walked up to me and smiled. "Hey, so how was your weekend?" She asked we both say on the bench. "Oh, well I got into trouble and I'm now grounded for three months." I said trying to make it sound exciting. "Ohhh, super cool." Lauren said, we both then started laughing.

she understands my humor and problems, like when I was in the third grade I accidentally tipped over our mean teacher, Mrs.Jones' agile statue. she said we could forget about it and move on, and I'm glade, because Mrs.Jones was screaming mad.

Finally the bus got here and I stood up and threw my jacket over my shoulder. I got onto the bus and was immediately being asked be to sat by.

"Hey teresa want to sit by me?" A red headed girl name Beatrice asked "Hey girl sit by me!" A little fifth grader whined. I didn't even know her. I started walking and right then saw my friend Henry, he had brown hair and light brown eyes he was a little bit built, but not even close to conner's size.

Then I just remembered telling my sister I was going on a "date" with him. he was reading the maze runner series and I decided to sit by him.

"Hey henie" I said taking my seat. "um.... hey" he slowly replied, wow his voice was deep. "wow your voice is pretty deep." I smiled, he smiled back and continued to read his book.

It was a little awkward because I hadn't talk to him in a while. ".............hey" I said again, I don't know why I did though, "um.....hi." He said, we stared at each other and started laughing.

"This is awkward." I said, he nodded his head in approval. "So I haven't talked to you in a while." He said, he zipped open his backpack and shoved his book in the unorganized binder. "No we talked.... a week ago" I said. "Yeah when you asked to burrow a pencil." he said. I smiled and chuckled. "Yeah I guess we hadn't had a real conversation in a while." I said I sat back in my seat.

Jesus, was this going to be a looooooong bus ride.

Sorry for the long wait for this chapter I have been busy with school and everything and I had a little bit of a writer block, hopefully it won't happen again, but I can't promise you that It won't.

Also that is a picture of Rowan Blanchard as Lauren.

Anyway I really hope you like this chapter please comment about what you think when you think of it, and please like I haven't got any likes on any of my chapters but I am new, so I wasn't expecting 50 million people to read it but whoever reads my story ,thank you, bye :) :) :) :) :) ;) ;) ;) ;)

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