Chapter 73

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Kayla's P.O.V:

I looked out the bus window, we were going on a mass field trip. I was scared about Stephanie fucking it up and then we'd never go on another field trip again. I wasn't going to let her ruin this trip. We were going to a museum though, you never know what Stephanie would do in a museum.

Stephanie's P.O.V:

I woke up on a bus and we were moving. I screamed, Kayla got scared and jumped. "WHERE am I? You can't take me again... YOU can't TAKE ME AWAY AGAIN." I yelled and everyone looked at me, then I flipped everyone off. I calmed down after a minute. "Can I jump out the window?" I asked Kayla. "No! You DUMB bitch." she replied. I scoffed and decided to go back to sleep.

Kayla's P.O.V:

This bitch is so difficult sometimes. I was almost relaxed until Stephanie jumped over me and ran down the aisle and tried to knock the bus driver out. Not again. I got up and grabbed her and made her sit back down. She started saying something about a pro bono. "I wonder IF THEY have bombs... bongs." she cooed.

When we got there we got off the bus and stayed in a line outside the museum. Stephanie was talking to the birds again.

"CAW CAW BITCH." she barked. We went inside and surprisingly Stephanie didn't run off to do something stupid. She was walking with everyone else and I saw a group of girls posing and taking selfies. Stephanie went over to me and saw the group of girls. "They're hot I wanna kidnap them." she said. I shook my head. "You can't that's illegal." I told her. "I don't think so, nothing's illegal for me. Law is for losers you pro BONO bitch." she said AND started running around. It was hard to watch her sometimes so I just LEFTER left her unattended.

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