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Stephanie's P.O.V:

I was texting my friend Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta. She was such a great friend and she could sing very well. I don't know why she isn't famous yet. She had a couple of roles in AHS too but I don't think anyone knows it was actually her though. I sat up on my bed it was like midnight and Kayla was asleep.

I lit a match and dropped it on her bed. Then I went back and blew it out because she is my only family but it just lit the sheets on fire so I flipped the mattress over.

Kayla fell and grabbed my ankles and made me fall. I put a pillow over her face and she became very unconscious. The fire was out at least and and Kayla was still sleeping so I put her back on her bed and got rid of all traces of the fire in the room and on her except her arm got burnt.

Kayla's P.O.V:

I woke up, there was a sharp pain in my arm. There was A syringe in it. I pulled it out AND sat up. I was on a table. Was I still AT THE ORPHANAGE? I ran out the door and went to my room and Stephanie was sitting on her bed watching American Horror Story on the TV. She better not have done anything bad because I don't remember anything. She saw me and smiled. "Hello dear non cousin but cousin." she greeted me. She did something. "What did you do?" I asked, and she started crying and fell off her bed. "I TRIED TO light YOUR BED ON fire!" she sobbed. "Stupid bitch, I could've died." I said. "I KNOW RIGHT? GOOD thing I fixed everything." she said, I helped her get up and onto her bed. "Did you put the needle in my arm?" I asked, she nodded. "You got burnt." she cackled, and jumped on her bed up to the barred window. She was hanging off the wall, holding onto the bars. "LET ME OUT OF THIS HELL HOLE." Stephanie screamed.

Adopted By Sarah PaulsonWhere stories live. Discover now