What The Fawk😀

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Kayla's P.O.V:

SHE DID IT AGAIN AND we're MOVING TO A HOME. I should be glad we've been given another chance at a home but I'm so fucking mad at her. The nuns said it was for her own good. I didn't know what that meant but at every place we've been to with nuns said that Stephanie was a demon or something. Ugh I hope this new place isn't as bad as the other places we've been to.

Stephanie's P.O.V:

I'm sooo excited! I got Kayla and I tickets to a new home. It's some place in New Orleans I'm pretty sure I heard one of the nuns say. I was going to double check tonight before we leave tomorrow morning when everyone's asleep.

I creaked the door open to look out into the hallway, no one was there. I made my way to the activities room where there was a pay phone. I put in two quarters and dialled the number of the new place we were going to. I remembered it from when I was eavesdropping, thank Satan for my amazing memory💅🤪😼😝✌️

Someone picked up after half a minute, it was a familiar voice but I don't know where I'd heard it from. "Hi, I was just wondering what your establishment was called, I seem to have forgotten it." I mimicked the voice of the head nun extremely well, I'd picked up that skill over the years and perfected it. Now I can mimic whoever I want. "Who is this?" I blinked. What was that damn nun's name? "Uhm... Sister Mary Eunice?" I guessed, and immediately had the urge to laugh. I leaned away from the phone and cackled quietly.

"Oh we have you right here. For Kayla and Stephanie, correct?" the woman asked. Umm TF there's actually a Sister Mary Eunice.

"Yes." I replied. "You'll be headed to Miss Robichaux's Academy for Exceptional Young Ladies." I puffed my cheeks for a second. That sounded incredibly familiar. "Okay thanks byee!" I hung up the phone. Wat the heck. We were going to Hogwarts! I ran back to my room to go tell Kayla.

Kayla's P.O.V:

I woke up, feeling someone watching me. I jumped, Stephanie was looming over my bed.

"Stephanie?" I asked. "You'll never guess what I just found out." she said with a grin. What did she get into this time?

A few minutes later...

"I can't believe it. Are you sure you didn't just dream about it?" I asked. She shook her head.

"Nah bitch I remember using my amazing skill of mimicking voices. Also did you know that there's a nun here named Mary Eunice?" she said, I shook my head in disbelief. "Ye better believe it because it's happening. I'm gonna go to sleep now." Stephanie said, and went back to her bed. I sighed, and went back to sleep.

Adopted By Sarah PaulsonWhere stories live. Discover now