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Stephanie's P.O.V:

"PLAY IT YOU HOE." I screamed at the jukebox. "I WANT STEVIE NICKS!" I CRIED, and started BANGING on the glass. "PLAY THE NAME GAME YOU STUPID BITCH." I tried tipping over the jukebox but Kayla stopped me. "Kayla this jukebox is broken." I groaned, starting to cry on the floor. "This isn't a jukebox you dummy this is a vending machine." she said and pulled me up. I was still crying and started banging my head on the vending box. "I want a bag of almonds please." I said to the jukebox that was a vending MACHINE. Kayla sighed and put round flat pieces of silver hard cardboard into the machine and nuts came out. She gave them to me and I started crying, and hugged her. "Thank you so much I'm sorry for everything." I cried, then opened the bag of almonds. I started walking to look at the things in the museum and sang The Name GAME. Then I tripped and the almonds spilled everywhere. No. NO. NO!

I started sobbing, I was scared my nightmare was gonna come true...

Pieces of my hair started falling to the floor as Kayla used the sheets shears beets to chop my voluminous locks off. I cried as I stood in front of the court. She then taped it to a stick and used it as a broom to sweep up all the... almonds... ALMONDS... ALMONDS NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO... MY MAILS... MY NAILS NO NO...

I woke up in my cell, my hair short. "Now get a bucket and a mop that's some wet ass pussy..." I hummed, clearly very unstable on every level. "... WAP WAP WAP WAP..." I jumped when the cell opened, the guards grabbed me and took me out. Then I died after Kayla started my obviously false case but then she proved it wrong because I'm her only family and I think that she thinks that she would be sad if I died...

I woke up in my bed... what happened? Kayla looked at me. "They took us and everyone home after they found you on the floor. Good thing nobody kidnapped you. I didn't tell the nuns until after I got to see the DINOSAUR BONES." she explained and I nodded and went back to sleep. Then American Horror Story started playing. "1984!" I SCREAMED AS I KNEW WHAT EVERY SINGLE SEASON INTRO WAS HAHA SUCK ON that.

Kayla's P.O.V:

Stephanie worries me a lot. I just hope that one DAY she'll get better. I think she wants to get better too... IT WAS FILMED HERE IN SORRY MOTHER. SHE DOES LOOK VV FAMILIAR I THINK SO AS WELL.

Adopted By Sarah PaulsonWhere stories live. Discover now