Chapter 10: A Trip to the Cottage

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Pulling up your zipper it stopped. Turning in the mirror to see what it got caught on to find it wasn't stuck on anything. Your stomach protruding out, a small prominent bump that was certainly not there yesterday. Groaning as you realized that spell Zandor mentioned had already started to kick in. Rummaging through the closet you found something that would let you breathe. Covering up your stomach quite nicely. You felt much better about going downstairs for breakfast and face your mother as you lied to her once again about mortal souls being unable to have children.

Your journey downstairs cut short as your purring feline made her appearance. Lifting her into your arms as she had wanted and continuing. The sound of laughter coming from the dining room as you got closer. Alastor in the kitchen making breakfast and your mother sitting with Marianne at the table. Setting down your pet and joining him, taking the plates he made up to the table before going back for the others. Passing by him as he had already brought the rest over. A chair already pulled out for you, he offered a hand as he guided you to sit before taking his seat next to you. Everyone remaining quiet as they ate. Your plate now empty, you went for the last thing you had. About to dig into the berries in your small bowl you were interrupted by your mother, clearing her throat to get your attention.

"Yes?" Taking a quick scoop of the mixed fruit as you waited.

"Marianne and I got thinking, maybe it's best if we were to find someplace else to live," you looked over at Alastor who appeared equally as shocked as you, "we feel as if we might be intruding on your lives, having to go out of your way come and get us whenever we feel like going somewhere..." She trailed off, Marianne picking up where she left off.

"It must be a pain, you're both so busy, with the Hotel and your Overlord duties, it would be better to give you space." Her argument didn't convince you, the two of you weren't all that busy.

"This is about that day, isn't it?" They shook their heads together, Alastor obviously skeptical as he stared them down.

"We've already moved on from that, you both need room, ever since that fiasco, you haven't felt comfortable being yourselves while we're here." Your mother's explanation made you open your mouth to defend yourself but you closed it, knowing she was right.

"Charlie said she'd have us at the hotel until we find a place to stay."

Why didn't Charlie tell you?


"None of that, you're used to living without us anyway, we'll be out of your hair in a few days." They didn't give you a chance to say another word before they left the room, leaving things relatively silent after they had gone, save for the quiet bouts of static coming from the man next to you.

"Well, we get the house to ourselves again?" He tried but you merely rested your head against his shoulder in defeat. Unable to control the tears that rolled down your cheeks. You didn't quite understand why this made you so upset, you were fine with them leaving...weren't you?

"Yeah, I guess so." He lifted your face from his sleeve before it got soaked, ridding you of your tears.

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