Twelve, Mika

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This Dark Lady is way too good at tricking people…
Question is how do we save Giana now with the Prophecy Gem if the Prophecy Gem literally is us?
"I remember now," Ena says urgently after the Dark Lady teleports away. "The Dark Lady said, 'if you find the Prophecy Gem, hurl two pieces or more of it off a cliff, and Giana will be saved."
"Wait, does that mean--"
Ena nods.
"Come on!" she shouts.
We run to the nearest cliff, as fast as we can.
That sadistic Dark Lady.
"Two lives for one, here goes nothing," I mumble.
Ena takes my hand.
Then, we jump off the cliff, closing our eyes.
Goodbye, bitter, bitter life.
Live for us, Giana.

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