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It had been three days since Houdini had her encounter with Fred and George Weasley. To her dismay, she wasn't able to sleep properly because of what Fred Weasley had told her before leaving her in the campus confused, and mostly flushed.

She knew the twins were probably just joking around, since they were always known for pulling pranks. Whatever that encounter was had to be one of their stupid jokes, but it has been three days, and the thought of Fred Weasley telling her her smiles could kill still made her blush. In embarrassment, mostly, that's what she's convinced herself with anyway.

She looked at the clock and it was already time for breakfast, she was supposed to go down earlier, but her bed felt so comfortable that she didn't want to leave. She had to eventually, considering she had classes early in the morning. She dresses up into a clean set of clothes and ran to the hall, hoping she would still be able to get breakfast. She stops her tracks when she sees Neville, her classmate from Herbology.

"Hey, Nev! See you in class!" She kindly smiles at him.

"Oh, Hey Houdini!" he smiles back, "I have not been able to sleep because of this essay Professor Sprout had given us!" he sighs.

Houdini's eyes had widened, Holy shit, she had completely forgotten about her essay!

"Oh my god, Neville, thanks for reminding me, I've got to go to the hall and cram! I have not even started with my essay yet!" she quickly gives Neville a hug before sprinting her way to the hall. She's been running too fast that it was like her books were going to fall off from her arms, and she didn't have time to notice this.

She soon bumps into someone, making her fall off the ground along with her books. She lets out a small oof, as she rubs her forehead.

"Oh, Houdini, on a rush are we?" She hears a familiar face, making her blush once she realizes who she has bumped into.

"I'm so sorry, I'm such a clutz." Houdini lets out a small laugh, while she tries to get her books. Fred helps her up and smiles.

"Whats the matter Houdini?"

"I've just got an assignment I've got to do immediately or Sprout is gonna fail me in Herbology." She sighs as they reach the hall.

Fred taps her head softly and smiles, "It's alright, I'm not exactly that good in Herbology but I can help you."

Fred puts the books in the table and sits down across to Houdini, who had started writing away. He laughs at how eager the petite girl was to finish her essay, and tried to help the best he can.


After classes were over, Houdini was able to get a passing grade on her rushed Herbology essay. She seriously had to thank Fred Weasley, because without him she would have failed miserably.

Neville was surprised that she had passed, and was so happy for her that he had told her countless of times how proud he was of her. Houdini thanked the boy for reminding her about the assignment again, and the boy swore he'd remind her if there were any assignments in class she needed to answer again.

Houdini went back to the hall to finally eat her first meal of the day, which, was dinner. She sat herself in the Hufflepuff table and saw her other friends, Maya and Corey. They munched on their dinner happily, until Maya taps on Houdini's shoulder.

"Why is Fred Weasley always looking at you?" Maya asks, making Houdini choke on her mashed potatoes.

"Jesus Christ, Dini, eat your food slowly okay? You big baby." Corey sighs, handing Houdini water.

"Well? Are you not going to tell me?" Maya asks, crossing her arms.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Maya. Maybe he was looking at someone else." Houdini tries to convince Maya, which, honestly, wasn't true. She was trying to convince herself that.

"Yeah sure, then why is he waving at you?" Maya points, making Houdini blush even more. George had seen his brother wave, making him look at Houdini's direction. He waved as well, making Houdini blush even more.

She waves at the boys subtly, making Maya grin. "Told you something was sketchy with Dini these past few days!" she exclaims at Corey, who was groaning before he reached for his pocket and gives Maya ten galleons.

"There better be a good explanation for this Dini! I just lost ten galleons because of you!" Corey pouts, making Houdini scoff at the two of them.

"My two best friends making a bet out of my emotional state?" she crosses her arms, "Unbelievable, you two. Especially you, Corey."

Maya and Corey both smiled at her apologetically, before going back to eating their meals.

Houdini took the opportunity to shut up and focus on her food as well, just so they wouldn't be asking her questions about how the two ginger boys had created a friendship with the Hufflepuff girl they had met in detention.

When they were finished with their dinner, they went back to the Hufflepuff common room. Before they could part ways with Corey, Maya stops the two, looks at Houdini and smirks.

"You still haven't told us about the twins just yet, Dini."  

Hoodie // Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now