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It was Friday, one more day until the weekends where I can go to Hogsmeade with George and Lee. These days the only way I can survive a day of classes is by looking forward to the weekends. As soon as I hopped out of my room, I see both George and Lee waiting for me. We head to the hall to get breakfast, discussing about our plans on Saturday.

"It's quite obvious, isn't it? We're definitely going to The Tree Broomsticks tomorrow." George says, "Might even go to Zonko's after."

Lee laughs at this, "Not me having to take care of the both of you when you get drunk and annoying" he jokingly sighs. "You guys are dead without me."

"I do not get that drunk that easily!" George responds, "Not as easily as Fred here anyways."

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?!" I ask,

Lee and George look at each other before laughing, "You know exactly what that meant, Freddie." Both Lee and George playfully mocking that one time I puked my guts out from having too much to drink.

"In my defense, I didn't know it was mixed with firewhisky!"


I was finally done with my classes for the day, leaving me with a bit of free time before dinner. Both George and Lee were still in class, so I only had myself today, which was kind of unusual. I walk around the campus, not having anything in mind, well, It's not like something's bothering me, so what even is there to think about?

I find myself in the library, not really sure why my feet took me here. It's not like I needed to be anywhere anyway, so I plopped myself down on an empty seat to see Houdini struggling to carry the books she had picked out.

"That's a lot of books," I say, making her look up at me. she tries to walk towards me, stumbling a bit.

"How are these books so damn heavy?" she asks herself, as I stand up to help her put the books on the table.

"Sit with me," I smile, "I could use some company."

She looks at me for a second, and swiftly opens a book and buries her head in it as she sits down across me.

"You're quite odd, Houdini." I say truthfully, "I like that about you."



To be truthfully honest, sitting with Fred Weasley is the worst thing I could have done to attempt to study for my classes. This boy won't stop making me blush and I couldn't concentrate with him saying these things to me.

Obviously, its just how he is as a person, but Goddammit, this boy has probably given so many girls wrong signals just because of how friendly he was.

I finally was able to concentrate on the book I was trying to read, slowly moving the book a few inches away from my face. I look at Fred, who to my surprise was already looking at me.

"Houdini, Do you really need to read the whole book?" he asks, his head rested on the table. "Can't we go out and have fun somewhere else?"

I smile at his attempt to get me out of the library, "It's alright, Fred, you can go without me."

He frowns at this, watching me as I fix my glasses, continuing to read from this awfully thick book that might actually take me centuries to finish.

"I don't wanna go alone, both George and Lee still have classes, and you're vacant as well, so I'll stay with you." He replies, "Besides, I find you quite intriguing, epitome of a Hufflepuff. While you study whatever that book is about, I'll study you."

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