It's A Superpower

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._.__.~Around Six Months Later~.__._.

Eva was definitely looking older. She was only eleven months, a few days until her first birthday, and she looked like she was almost six years old.

And she really did act her "age". And Cas loved her more and more every step of the way.

And she kept asking questions.

She wanted to know more about her "mother". Cas wasn't sure how long he could keep this up. All the lies, the evasion, he just hated it. He wanted to come clean, but he couldn't let her know what she was. Not yet. He just needed to give it some time.

"So she thinks she's turning six next Thursday?" Sam asked Cas as they planned her birthday party. Cas insisted on it, even though Sam was rather hesitant.

"Yes. Why?"

Sam shrugged. "I dunno. It's just... if she thinks she's turning six, and this is her first birthday, then how are we going to explain the lack of past birthday parties?"

Cas sighed. "I will think of something. Just add that to the list of lies I've told her."

"Why not just tell her? Just explain to her what she really is. She's gonna find out eventually, and it would be best if she found out from you."

Cas sighed again. "I know. Just... not yet. I don't want her to grow up too fast."

Sam chuckled. "What? Even faster than turning six after one year?"

Cas half smiled. "You know what I mean. I just... I don't want to take her whole childhood away. That just wouldn't be fair of me."

Sam nodded. "I get it, man. I really do."

Cas stared down at his hands as a sudden thought crossed his mind. "Xzavier would be a year old, too."

Sam sighed. "I'm sorry, Cas. I'm so sorry. I... I want him back, too. Let's just make sure Eva has a good time, okay?"

Cas sighed once more. "Okay. I just feel guilty."

"Guilty? Cas, it wasn't your fault. It wasn't your fault that... Dean took him. Okay? Don't blame yourself. That happens sometimes, people betray other people. That wasn't your fault, Cas."

Cas said nothing. Just continued to stare down at his hands which were folded in his lap. He shouldn't have felt guilty, he knew that, but he couldn't help it. He fell asleep at the wrong time. The wrong damn time.

Eva came down the stairs and into the library where Sam and Cas were, which lightened the angel's spirits a bit.

"Hi, daddy! Hi Uncle Moose!" She jumped into her father's lap, causing him to smile.

"Hello, Eva. How's my little girl?"

"Almost six!" She exclaimed, holding up only five of her fingers.

Cas and Sam both chuckled. "Eva, that's only five fingers."

"Well, I'm not six yet, silly!"

They chuckled again. "Of course. Silly me. So, do you know what you want for your birthday?"

"I want a kitty cat!"

Cas smiled briefly until it slowly faded. "Your fa-your mother... was allergic to cats."

"What's... 'allergnic'?"

He chuckled. "Allergic means h-she couldn't be around cats without... getting sick."

"I'm glad I'm not 'allergnic' to kitties."

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