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The silence was starting to get to Papyrus. Despite the fact that he felt confident about not finding any more disturbing facts, he started to feel worse about the journal itself. It was just like it didn't feel real until now like this was something that actually happened. It did describe how their father seemed to have caused his brother's strange sickness, or at least something done something very bad. Ignoring the urge to browse through the journal again, he briefly remembered an entry describing that his brother felt bad for lying to them about the disease he never had. Papyrus closed his eyes and inhaled sharply. Any thoughts of how his brother must have felt like was immediately put aside. He decided to try not to get upset, not right now. Undyne was right, he needed to stay focused so that he could put every ounce of effort into trying to help, but it was hard not to let the mind wander back on what he'd learned. Right now what he needed to do was shape up and shift his attention to what was in front of him.

The faint light of his blue attack was not nearly as efficient to light up the environment as Undyne's spear, but it was still enough to navigate around the room. In front of him was a desk with an old computer, some scattered notebooks which were also filled with some sort of math equations. There were also various trinkets scattered here and there that didn't really mean anything to Papyrus. Technology wasn't his stronger side and when he was unable to identify what they were he let them be. Hopefully Alphys would know better what they were. Against the wall was a green locker, but it didn't contain anything but old and scrubby lab coats. Beside the locker was an empty metallic barrel and a sink, that looked like it could use a good cleaning. On the floor in one of the corners was a few rather big boxes scattered around. Some were already opened and emptied, carelessly scattered around a bit from the rest, while a few others were unopened and neatly stacked on top of each other. Papyrus decided to investigate and opened the box on top.

It contained a skull-like contraption, kind of similar to a canine's skull structure. Only bigger. Much bigger than even Greater Dog's. He gently put the notebook aside and tried to take the contraption out of the box. It was a lot heavier than he anticipated, but not impossible to move. As he placed it on the floor beside him, he aimed the glowing bone towards it so he could study it properly. Thankfully he noticed right away that it wasn't a real skull thanks to the plastic feel and metallic implants inside the hollow spaces, but it had a striking resemblance to what Sans looked like before. Upon further inspection he also noticed that the metal pieces that were mounted to it had to be some sort of canon, meaning that this was a weapon. The other unopened box contained the exact same thing, but the metallic implants were loose and the plastic skull was shattered.

 The other unopened box contained the exact same thing, but the metallic implants were loose and the plastic skull was shattered

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A sense of looming unease crept up along his spine as he tried to figure out what they were, and what their purpose was. They did resemble Sans a lot. Was he meant to be a weapon too? If so, then against who? This whole thing felt too complex and well-measured to be a random experiment, but monsterkind had no enemies in the underground, so it didn't make sense. The impression of unease intensified when he thought about the way his father had been acting today and Papyrus couldn't help but to wonder what his intentions were?

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