Label that label.

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It's Sunday. All I knew this morning when i woke, is I know something now I didn't before. And all I've seen since seventeen hours ago, is brown eyes and his beautiful smile, in the back of my mind making me feel like I am the luckiest girl in this big world. I just, wanna know him better. I wanna know his true self. I want to know what makes him smile and what makes him cry.
I got up from my bed and got dressed. I went to this little resturant close to our school home.
Callie already left and she was in waiting for me.
- 'Hey there, girl.', Callie greeted me.
- 'Good Morning, mirror.', I greeted back, 'So what are we having?'.
- 'I order Spanish salad for you. I hope that's okay.'
- 'You don't even know what Spanish salad is.', I said and chuckled.
- 'But you do.', i looked at her sarcasticly(even if I did know what is Spanish salad), 'Chill out,
little bitch. I got us both eggs and bacon.'
Someone would get offended if you called them 'little bitch' but as Callie always say 'Friends who don't offend you are not your real friends.'. So it kind of became our thing. It's friendly and from love. Yeah, Callie is ridiciolus. We were just chatting and eating breakfest when I got phone call. It was 'him'. Literaly. That is how I memorised Ross's number in my phone. "Oh my god. Pause. Ross is calling me. What do I do? What is this about?", is what cross my mind in a second but I answered of course.
- 'Hello.'
- 'Is the most beautiful girl in the world there?', Ross said and he made me blush.
- 'Hmm, let me check. Kkhhmm, Hello.'
- 'You are hilarious, Lara.'
- 'You're not bad yourself.'
- 'Do you have any plans for today?', I am so glad he asked.
- 'No?'
- 'Good. Be ready in two hours, I'll pick you up.'
- 'Okay. But how?', I was really hoping I don't repeat that cab incident again.
- 'With my car. Duh! See you, beautiful.'
- 'Bye, honney.',
I hang up and finished my breakfest fast. I told Callie I have another date, so that's the reason I am in a hurry. She understood. And she didn't act like FBI on this. That is weird. But it's lazy Sunday for her. It's her thing.

I came home and I started getting ready. I wore shorts and my favorite white-gold shirt. I made pony tail and did my make up. It was really hot that day and it was perfect day for  another date. I put my Vans on and grabbed my bag. Ross was waiting for me in his car outside. How sweet. I got in the car and he said 'Well, hello.', and I said 'Hi.' back. He kissed me. I was getting chills and feels all again like the very first time. I was so happy to be with him. And yes. We are together. I got that when he said we are going to meet his family. He said 'I can't wait to introduce my girlfriend to my family.'. Imagine your biggest love saying that to you and you will have the same feeling like I had.

'We are here.', he said when he got out of his car and opened a door for me. What a gentelmen. I am really lucky. He didn't make me doubt in it any second. He held me for my waist as we were walking in the back of his graden, towards his family and band. He introduced me as his girlfriend and they were all happy and nice, and really welcoming. Especially, his mom Stormie, which made me really so special. She hugged me so tight and she told me I am very pretty and that Ross is a lucky guy to have me. Ross is lucky to have me? I felt really thankfull to be acsepted by his family so fast. The rest of the day we spent outside, playing volleyball and eating and just having fun. They also sang to me. And when I say 'they' I mean R5, because Ellington was there too. He is a part of the family. He also became like, my best friend. He is so funny and he played volleyball in my team, so we got close. So, we played against Riker and Rydel. And we crushed them. Elli is so good. But I am the happiest when I am next to Ross. We were hugging a lot that day. And all I felt in my stomac is butterflies, the beautiful kind, making up for lost time. Taking flight, making this feel so right. I've been waiting for a day like this to come, my heart is beating like a drum, we're on the edge of something wonderful.
- 'I have one more suprise.', Ross said to me.
- 'Uhh, what could it be?'
Riker came out of the house and said 'The cast, has come.' and we started laughing, but hold on. The cast? Suddenly, out of the house 3 people came out. And those 3 people were Ross's cast. Austin&Ally cast, Laura, Raini and Calum. I turned to Ross and I was speechless, all I could say was 'Oh My God!', Ross was laughing and said 'Hey, guys!'. He walked next to me and started hugging our special guests. First Laura. They hugged really tight so it made me feel a little weird. But then he hugged Raini and then Calum. The feeling was still there but after he came to me and put his arm around me and introduced me to them, as his girlfriend, the feeling passed. They were so amazingly nice but Laura was my idol and she was super adorkable. She said she freaked when Ross told her on the phone he has a girlfirend and that her name is Lara. She freaked because we have similar names. She was so funny and she is a hugger. And i loved that I was the one to find out that. I love hugging her. That day was perfect. I got to be with my boyfriend and my favorite people in the whole world. And they acted like I was theirs favorite person. And that is what makes them so beautiful. They were so kind to me. Laura, Calum, Raini and Ellington went home. And then later, Ross drove me to school home. It was almoust 11pm. So he kissed me for good night and I runed inside before the door locked. The door are locking at 11pm. I made it. Callie was sleeping when I came so I just crashed in bed. I was sleeping after only few minutes.

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