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Once upon a time about in the year 1116 a royal vampire family lived in a beautiful castle in the heart of Whitby. King Lucius and Queen Sanrika have everything their heart's desire except for what they truly desire: a child of their own. On 31st October a princess was born that very night and they named her Bella. Shortly after a grand celebration for the royal birth was arranged and everyone in the kingdom was invited except one vampire Lilith who is also an enchantress. During the grand celebration everyone gave the princess their gifts and their hopes and wishes for the princess.
As the grand celebration continued the doors of the ballroom blew open and a blast of wind blew into the room. Everyone watched in horror as they knew who was arriving. In a thick cloud of smoke Lilith the vampire enchantress stood before "Well, well. You have quite an assemblage here. I was distressed and disappointed in not receiving an invite,""You are no longer welcomed into our court," said Lucius "I hoped that you must have looked over it. In that case I must be on my way," "You're not offended?" asked Sanrika "Of course not,your majesties. But before I take my leave I have a gift to give to the princess. The princess shall grow beautiful and be loved by those who knew her.In 900 years time if the princess does not confess her love to someone who loves her before sunrise on her birthday you and all of your of kind shall become dust and ceased to exist," Lilith disappeared into thin air.Distraught by Lilith's prophecy the king and queen decided that a every year at the annual autumn thanksgiving ball the princess shall dance every prince and noblemen in hopes of falling in love with any of them and will forthwith marry him.

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