Chapter 1

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On 20th March, 2016 the annual spring equinox royal ball was held, every vampire from all different walks of life were invited to the ball and everyone was speculating who Princess Bella is going to fall in love with and marry in ordered to save the entire vampire species from becoming dust. King Lucius and Queen Sanrika arranged one ball after another in hopes that their daughter would fall in love with but at every ball her mother and father have ever thrown she never found the man she would love and this autumn thanksgiving ball is no exception. She had danced with every nobleman and prince at the ball. Bella, a beautiful fair haired vampire princess dreamt of going on an adventure with the man she'll fall in love and marry. After the ball was over and everyone has gone home King Lucius and Queen Sanrika went to see Bella wondering if she confessed her love for someone. "So darling, who's is going to be?" asked Sanrika "Oh mother, every ball we've ever thrown you two come up here as soon as everyone has left and I give you two the same answer: the right man hasn't turned up tonight. He hasn't turned up to every ball we've ever thrown. He's out there somewhere in the world," said Bella "Bella, you've had your head in the clouds for far too long. It is high time you fall in love and got married. The future of our kind rests in your hands," said Lucius "But father I want go, see, do things and find love in my own time," "What your father is trying to say is that if you don't confess your love for someone before the sun rises on your 900th birthday our kind will be turned to dust," said Sanrika. Bella was silent at thought of the prophecy and her kind being turned to dust. As soon as Lucas and Sanrika left their daughter Bella wept on her bed. Meanwhile in Whitby town centre a birthday celebration was taking place at The Black Horse pub for fraternal twin sons of a recently widower vampire hunter Jasper. Both brothers have just turned twenty-one; Arren was the strongest of the twins whereas his brother Bramwell was the quietest one and loves nothing more than studying astronomy "Why aren't you celebrating with your brother and friends?" asked Jasper "It's not my kind of scene. All they ever do is talk about how many vampires they've slayed. And Arren keeps bragging on about him beating your previous vampire slaying record which was 105,000 but now it's 550,000 vampires slayed," answered Bramwell "Oh no! Not this again! Why is it that I ended up having a strong son and a weak son. It's in our blood Bram. We slay vampires for the good of mankind. The world is dangerous when vampires are around. It is our job to make the world a safe place, free from vampires son," "Yes I known father. But I want to study the stars, chart a course of my fate. And then go out into the world and maybe fall in love with someone someday. I don't want to be a vampire slayer." Jasper pulled his son out from hid chair, dragged him outside from the pub "Now you listen here Bram, I've had headed up to here with this nonsense. After your mother was killed by those creatures of the night I vowed to train my sons to become strong vampire slayers but so far Arren became stronger than you and you've been hiding away in books. It is time for you to become a slayer like your brother and I. When we get home I'm going to take away your books and your training will begin first thing tomorrow morning," said Jasper feeling disappointed in his son.

Back at the castle Bella was having a conversation with her Lady-In-Waiting Jenica "You were once a normal human yourself Jenica, can you tell me about what life was like for you and what you were like whilst you're still human?" asked Bella "I really don't want to talk about my former life. Too much tragedy in it," answered Jenica "Please," begged Bella "Ok your, highness. I used to live in a small fishing town called Filey, I lived there when I was looking after my mother and father right to up to the time they died. I couldn't afford to pay for their funerals but I did meet someone who helped me raise the money and many weeks, months and years me and the man who helped me fell in love with each other and life became perfect from then on..." Jenica went silent for a while "...until I helped man after he got wounded. I took him back to my house and nursed him back to health. We got on very well with each other that we both started developing very strong feelings for each other. One night after he fully got his health back he was going to tell me a dark secret about my ex-boyfriend got home that night, saw me with the stranger and then launch an attack on him and got out his crucifix and what he called a wooden stake. That's when I realised my boyfriends true nature and what the man I took care of was. But I didn't care of the fact that the man was a vampire but I cared about the fact that my ex-boyfriend was a vampire slayer and I had to do something. So I got in between them, told my ex-boyfriend that we're over and hit him with something hard which killed him. As soon as I killed him me and my vampire lover ran off into the night and he asked me "How can I thank you enough for saving me?" and I suggested "What about turing me into a vampire and we'll be together forever," and he said "Ok my love, I'll make you into a vampire but after I bit you it'll take three days for you to become one, if mortally wounded the transformation will be brought up with immediate affect," and I said "I don't care. I love you," and right away he opened his mouth, I saw his two white sharp fangs, bit me and sucked my blood. Three days later I was turned into a vampire but my lover was killed by a slayer. So in order to gain a living a sought work in your palace and worked my way up to becoming your Lady-In-Waiting." "Oh, Jenica I didn't know. How awful. You've found out that one man you loved is a slayer and one of our kind that you love is taken away from you," "Yes but a human life isn't all that bad. Humans have fun all the time day or night? I used to go out every weekend with my old friends and have fun," "Oh I wish I could leave the palace for one night only," said Bella "Maybe you can. I've got an idea! Come with me," said Jenica enthusiastically. Jenica grabbed two plain brown hooded dresses, both Bella and Jenica climbed over the palace walls and ran off into town. The night was young and in full swing Bella was getting her first taste of freedom outside the palace walls. Jenica took her to almost every pub in Whitby, their last stop was at The Black Horse pub but what they didn't know is that there are vampire hunters at the pub. Meanwhile back at the palace Lucius stood outside of Bella's bedchamber and said "Darling? I'm sorry for I said earlier. It's just that as a father your happiness comes first for me before anything else. But as King I must do what's best for you. I hope you understand what I'm saying." He waited for a single moment for an answer but there was none "Bella?" concerned Lucius, the king stepped into Bella's bedchamber and found that it was empty. The king and queen sent out their best guards to find Bella and bring her home. Bella and Jenica blended in with the punters and had a few drinks before Sandor and his friends began noticing their presents in the pub. They smelt their scent and followed them outside the pub and into a dark ally. The slayers corned them and took out large wooden stakes from their coat pockets but luckily the palace guards found them and attacked the slayers. Bella and Jenica ran off but unfortunately the guards never ran after them as they were already slayed. Bella and Jenica turned into bats and flew as fast as they could back to the palace. Waiting for them were the king and queen who were sourly disappointed in their daughter and her Lady-In-Waitng "Where have you been?" asked Lucius "Well father, Jenica took me into Whitby for some fun," answered Bella "Bella, would you please go to your room?" Your father and I need to have a word with your Lady-In-Waitng," asked Sanrika. Without an answer Bella went to her room "Jenica Bella is a vampire Princess. It's dangerous for her to go out of the palace," said Lucius "Your majesties I know you both have the right to be angry with me. But Bella will be turning 900 years old and is no longer a child. She deserves her freedom!" said Jenica "We know Bella is nearly 900 years old. But she has her duties and has no time for freedom. Duties and responsibilities come first before anything," said Sanrika "Don't you see your majesties? You're treating her like a child and keeping her caged up," said Jenica "That's it! I've heard enough from you. I now want every guard standing outside of every door of which ever room my daughter is in. And you Jenica I order you to never take the Princess anywhere ever again on pain of death!" ordered Lucas "But your majesty..." Sanrika interrupted Jenica "Do what your king has ordered!" ordered Sanrika "Yes, your majesties," said Jenica sadly "Good. You're dismissed," said Lucius and Jenica left for Bella's bedchambers.

As she entered Bella noticed that Jenica was crying "What did my mother and father say to you. I hope they didn't sack you," said Bella "No I wasn't sacked but unfortunately I was given orders to not every take you out ever again on pain of death. And your father has ordered to place guards on every door of every room you're in to make triple sure that you don't sneak out," explained Jenica "Why does my father put duty before his daughters happiness? I know I love my father but I want freedom," said Bella "I know Bella. But you got to put duties and responsibilities first," said Jenica "As a daughter I must not obey my father. But as Princess I must obey my King and put my duties and responsibilities before my freedom. The future of our kind depends on me," said Bella. For many months guards have been placed at every door of every room the princess was in especially when her Lady-In-Waiting Jenica is tutoring her and obeyed her father by putting her duties before her freedom. Nobleman after nobleman and prince after prince have fallen in love with the princess but she never confessed her love to any of them.

Jasper spent seven monthstraining his son Bramwell to be a merciless vampire slayer. He took Bramwell toevery slaying in town but he never ever slayed a vampire. "Why didn't youslay that vampire back there?" asked Jasper "I don't know. Somethingsbeen telling me that it's wrong to kill," answered Bramwell "Well youmust ignore that little voice in your head and start doing what's in yourblood," said Jasper "Maybe you're right dad. I need some air. Do youmind heading home without me?" asked Bramwell "Sure. Take all the timeyou need son," answered Jasper and he walked off, leaving his son behindat St Hilda Priory Cemetery.
At the palace Bella has had enough of having guards being placed at every door of every room she's in, she decided that tonight she'll escape from palace life. Thankfully Jenica taught Bella about alchemy, so she brewed up a sleeping potion and put them into two cups of hot blood. She carried the tray up to her bedchamber door where her father had already placed two guards there "I'd liked to thank you guys for guarding me for every time I'm in a certain room for every moment I'm in. So I made you two gentlemen some hot blood," said Bella. The two guards took the cups of hot blood off the tray and held each cup in their hands. As soon as Bella was in her bedchamber the two guards drank their tainted hot blood and collapsed into sleep, that's when she knew that she's free. She tied together her bedsheets and curtains together and climbed out of a window and flew off into the night. Bella went to The Black Horse pub for a drink and hopefully make new friends. After having two drinks Bella noticed Bramwell's father Jasper staring at her, he looked as if he wanted to take her home but Bella instinctively left the pub, Jasper followed Bella. As she walked she heard foot steps behind her. She quickly looked over her shoulder and saw Jasper following her and taking out a wooden stake from his coat. Bella began to walk faster but Jasper was still catching up with her as she began to run. Both Bella and Jasper ran as fast as a flying falcon when chasing after it's prey all the way back to the palace. Bella leapt over the tall iron gate whereas Jasper climbed over the gate and chased Bella into the palace, through the foyer and into the throne room where Bella's mother and father are waiting. As soon as Jason ran into the throne room a large iron cage fell over on top of Jason and stopped him. "Guards! Take this slayer to the dungeon!" order Lucius and the guards obeyed their order and dragged Jason down to the palace dungeons. Sanrika looked at her daughter as Lucas watched the guards drag Jason out of the throne room and asked "What have you been doing?!" asked Lucius "I just went out to have some fun," answered Bella "Without an armed guard protecting you from his family of slayers?" asked Sanrika "And you didn't realise what you've done? A number of slayers will be coming for him," said Lucius. Bella tried explain to her mother and father but Sanrika ordered her daughter to go to her room and stay there. Meanwhile back in Whitby Bramwell was waiting for her father at a cemetery but realised that he wasn't going to show up. The following night with bravery in his heart Bramwell decided not to tell his brother that their father is missing and decided to go the Carpire palace to search for his father.

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