Chapter 4

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"Tonight is the night," said Emilio "This is the first I've ever attended. I'm sure if I can tell her that I love her. I feel like a fool. She'll never love me," said Bramwell "Don't be discourage, it's perfect. There's no time to timid. You must be bold," said Larue "There will be romantic lights. And music, provided by myself. Woo her and when the moment is right you must confess your love and she will confess her love," said Ansgar "How will I know?" asked Bramwell "Don't you care for the princess?" asked Larue "More than anything," answered Bramwell "Well then you must tell her. Don't worry Bram, you'll do fine. Stop being so nervous and tell the princess how you feel," said Emilio. In her bedchambers Bella was being helped getting ready for her birthday ball. She turned to Nicole "Beautiful," she said "But there's something missing mama," said Ivan "I know what it is," said Brigitte and whispered into Jenica's ear. Jenica hurried out of the room and came back with a large black velvet box and handed it to Bella "This was given to me by the vampire who I fell in love with that I told you about months ago," said Jenica, Bella was ready for the ball.
"Presentingher royal highness, Princess Bella," the doors open and Bella appeared on thetop of the grand staircase in the ballroom. Everyone who attended the ball wasstunned to see how beautiful the princess was, even Bramwell as well. Belladescended down the stairs and met up with Bramwell in the centre of the dancefloor. "Your highness, would you do me the honour of If I may, that is, it would give me the greatestpleasure, if you would do me the honour of letting me lead you through this...the first..." Bramwell struggled to the last word out of his mouth "Dance?"asked Bella "Yes, dance. That's what I was going to say," answered Bramwell ashe held out his hand and Bella took hold of his hand and they began to dance.The orchestra played Beauty & The Beast by Celine Dion & Peabo Bryson. Itseemed to them that they were the only two people in the ballroom dancing. Theking, the queen, the staff and everyone was moved by the dance between Bramwelland Bella, Lucius and Sanrika noticed the way Bramwell and Bella are looking ateach other by the way they're smiling at each other. Shortly after they stoppeddancing and the music stopped the guests gave them a round of applause and themusic started up again and everyone started dancing.
As the guests danced Bramwell and Bella waltzedinto the garden, they were completely alone. "I haven't danced in years. Ialmost forgot how that felt," said Bramwell "Most of them are here to win myaffection. Bramwell, are you happy here with us?" asked Bella "Yes. My mothertaught me to dance. I used to stand on her feet," answered Bramwell "You mustmiss her," "Very much. But I know she would be happy to see the man I become,""You could become something better," "Are you suggesting?" asked Bramwell,Bella nodded "Then do it. I'd rather be who I really am not what everyone wantsme to be," said Bramwell "I understand," said Bella as Bramwell unbuttoned andlowered his collar. Bella embraced Bramwell and bit him on the neck. "Nowwhat?" asked Bramwell "Remember how the vampirism process worked? All you haveto do is wait," answered Bella "I do also miss my father," said Bramwell"There's a way you can see your father," said Bella. Bella took Bramwell by thehand and lead him through a giant hedge maze and there in the centre stood afountain "My mother and father don't know about this but this is a magicfountain. It can let you see anything outside beyond these castle walls,"explained Bella. Bramwell walked towards the fountain, leaned over, saw hisreflection and said, "I wished to see my father" and the water swirled andrevealed to Bella and Bramwell that the townsfolk are torturing Jasper "Father!What are they doing to him? He's in trouble. I have to go and help him," saidBramwell "You must go to him," said Bella, Bramwell looked confused "What?" and Bella answered, "I release you. There's no time to waste. Go!" before Bramwell was about to leave he thanked the princess for her kindness and whispered in her ear that he loves her, before she could confess her love to him Bramwell ran back through the maze, the garden, back into the ballroom, through the castle courtyard, mounted his horse and rode back to town.

Later Jenica found Bella sat on a stone seat in the garden "Well, your highness. I must say everything has been going just smoothly. I knew you had it in you," she said "I let him go," said Bella, Jenica was shocked to hear that and said, "What? You did what?" "I had to," answered Bella "Why asked Jenica "Because I love him," answered Bella.

Jenica explained to the king, queenand the staff about what happened "She did what?!" they asked "I'm afraid it'strue," answered Jenica "He's going away?" asked Ivan "But she was so close,"said Lucius "After all this time our daughter has finally fallen in love," saidSanrika "That's it then! That's should break the prophecy!" saidLarue "But it's not enough. Bella has to confess her love to Bramwell," saidLucius "But he might still come back," said Ansgar "But she set him free,"Brigitte "On my daughter's behalf I'm sorry. Now, go. Our time has almostpast," said Lucius.

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