6. Fake Reality TV Show

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Emily's P.O.V

Two weeks.

 It's been two weeks since I've been working in this company and each day has been worse than the previous. A few days ago Niall had caught me getting coffee for Harry and "mystery person" as Niall and Harry would like to call him, and was asked to take him on as another customer, so now I had to buy one of those coffee mug holder for four mugs. One day, I even messed up Louis' order with Niall's and let me tell you, the amount of work I got after that was enough to make Amy Santiago hate paperwork. Harry's flat mate had got the job and now on every Tuesday Harry had to bring Dusty along with him, but he made sure no-one saw her.

During this time I had become good friends with Alex and we were planning to hang out this weekend.

Louis has been coming every other day to give me useless work such as shedding papers or stamping files and not once did he get my name right. He's been calling me either Emma or Lily. One day he even called me Elsa! Like, dude you can remember names like Elsa but not common ones like Emily?!

The thing killing me the most is that now I know that Louis is not suffering from amnesia and that I'm absolutely sure that he's just pretending to not know me.

Wanna know how I found out? Doughnuts.

Well one day, when I was getting him coffee, I knocked on his door and he gave me permission to come in. I went inside and kept his coffee on his desk. While going towards the door I spotted a box filled with doughnuts with colorful sprinkles. I kept my gaze on them longer than necessary and I think Louis noticed that as he said, "Do you want one?" I quickly declined the offer and gave one last look to those delicious looking doughnuts and made my way to the door. When I was half way there I heard him speak again, "Why? You loved doughnuts!" "Yeah... I mean... I still love them but they'r-.... Wait a minute...... How would you know that? It's not like you've known me for a long time right?  I mean I'm just another employee aren't I?" I asked him. He looked surprised because he was obviously not expecting this question soon and he knew I caught him and before I left his office I heard him mutter a 'you're not'. 

So right now I had had enough and wanted some help with this Louis situation. And because I had completely lost my mind I had decided to tell none other than The Great Harry Styles. That's why currently we were situated in the cafeteria on one of those hexagonal tables and I was telling him everything from our childhood to my past two weeks. The whole time is jaw has been open and he only closed it when I stuffed a piece of bread in it. After a lot of explanation and thirty seconds of silence Harry said, "Whoa. So basically it's all an act?!" "That's what I've been saying! That was the main plot of my whole story!" I replied a little annoyed. "Ha ha I knew there was something missing or else why would he show up everyday to give you work rather than emailing it to you?! Ooh and he's the mystery guy you've been getting coffee for!" He said obviously excited. "Harry I told you all this so that you could help me and not react to it as if it's one of those fake reality TV shows." "Right right. Okay well I do have something in mind I don't know if you'll be down for it though...." He said trailing of at the end. "All ideas are welcomed." I said cause I was genuinely interested. "So I was thinking that what we know till now is that he's doing all this to annoy you and he himself is quite enjoying this little game he's playing. So how about we roll the dice now ...... You know play it back. So basically he's trying to see you more often cause he knows it annoys you and it disturbs you for the rest of the day, so how about you make these little meetings annoyingly memorable for him too??? I mean you already have the annoying part covered.... It's just a plan that you need. So whaddya think?" He concludes.

I sit there and think about all he said and I understand that this plan actually makes sense and I completely forget about the part about him calling me annoying. I thank him and his absolutely devilish mind.

Later in the evening when I got home I started scheming and plotting and when I'm satisfied with my thinking I go to bed with one thought. 

Tomorrow is gonna be fun....


The next day I went ahead and got us all our coffee and firstly gave Niall and Harry theirs and Harry wished me luck with a cheeky smile on his face. I made my way towards Louis' office and I knock on the door. As soon as I get the permission to come in I go inside and say, "Good morning Mr. Tomlinson." with a smile. He looks at me and returns my greeting and gets back to do his work. I keep his coffee at his desk and ask, "Anything else Mr. Tomlinson?" He gives me a weird look and dismisses me. While turning around I "accidentally" hit the coffee cup and all the coffee spills out on his desk and all his papers and also on his trousers.

He gasps a little as he feels the hot liquid on his pants. "Oh my god I am so sorry Mr. Tomlinson, it was an accident" I say with an innocent smile on my face and I make no attempt of helping him whatsoever.

With a proud smile I walk out of his office and enter the elevator with satisfaction. I excitedly walk towards Harry's cubicle. "Ok ok guess what !!" I say, not even trying to hide my happiness. "What?!" he asked obviously excited as he was also a part of this plan. "So I went inside and started to talk sweetly and then I kept his coffee on his table and then when I was turning around I-"

 "Oh no you DIDN'T !!"

 "Oh I did. So I turned around and I 'accidentally' knocked down the mug and BOOM! everything was coffee! Even his trousers!!" I said air quoting the word accidentally and we both start laughing like maniacs and we didn't start working until one of our coworkers told us to 'Shut the hell up'.

As expected Louis didn't come to give me any papers to shred or any extra files to review or any other stupid job.

When it was our lunch break, Harry and I were sitting when I zoned out a little and he asked what I was thinking about. "Should I keep this up? Like... Do stuff like this again?" I said referring to today's incident. "Yeah I mean... Don't do it tomorrow, let's wait and see if he backs down. If he doesn't, then we fight back" he said with all seriousness.

At five PM I went back to my cute little apartment, very satisfied with what I did today.

Now we have to wait for tomorrow.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Basically I somehow twisted my wrist and so I'm wearing a crepe bandage and it's very hard to type.

Basically I somehow twisted my wrist and so I'm wearing a crepe bandage and it's very hard to type

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Thank you for reading!!!

~T.S :)

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