7. Ten A.M

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Emily's P.O.V

The next day I get up and do my daily morning activities and go to the firm. The guard at the entrance swipes my badge and checks it even though I come here everyday. I had the four cups of coffee and was making my way towards my delivery spots when I saw Alex waving her hands at me and I decide to go and talk to her. "Hey! Whats up?" I ask. "Well I was checking if we're still on for Saturday?" she asked excitedly. "Of course. Why wouldn't we be?" I reply with a smile. "Oh and one more thing, Mr. Tomlinson told me to give you this and he said you have to submit a 10 page detailed description about this.... by 10:00." she said handing me a little note on which the topic of the 10 page article was written. "Wait... What?! 10 pages? And its already 9:15! Shit." I forget to thank Alex and run towards the elevator and press 24. 

As I exit the elevator I run towards Sam and ask, "Is he in?" She nods and I run towards his door and I don't even bother knocking cause I know he's expecting me. "What is the meaning of this?! How the hell am I supposed to write a 10 page article in less than forty minutes?!" I practically yell at him. He just sat there with a calm expression and with a smile he said, "Well you should've thought about that yesterday before spilling my coffee. Those were very important papers that you ruined yesterday and pretty expensive trousers so, now you gotta pay for it." He takes his mug from my coffee stand and dismisses me. "Oh and one more thing, if its not ready by 10:00; just leave your company belongings at the main reception and don't even bother coming back."  he said while giving me a satisfied smirk and taking a sip of his coffee.

I run out of his office and go to Sam and say, "Do you know anyone who's good at this?" I hand her the note. "I mean Mr. Tomlinson is very good in this field so can either ask him or you can ask Niall. He really enjoys this." she said giving me the note back. "Alright thanks Sam" I say while running towards the elevator. "Oh my god its Sa- Oh" she says realizing.

I don't get it why this guy threatens me every time that he'll fire me. If he doesn't want me here then he shouldn't have hired me in the first place.

I get out on the 18th floor and go towards Niall's office and knock. He sees me through his glass door and tells me to come in. As Niall is the floor manager which makes him a higher authority than us, we have cubicles and he has an office but its not too big for him to feel like he can rule over us. When I go inside I quickly get to the point.

 When I go inside I quickly get to the point

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"Listen Niall I need your help asap. Our boss is a shithead and I wanna kill him but I don't have the time." I say hurriedly. "Woah woah calm down. Just..... Sit and tell me what's wrong." He asked genuinely concerned. "I don't have time to sit down you've gotta help me. Here, read. I have to write 10 pages on it before 10:00!!! Samantha said you're really good at it so please help me." I say practically begging him. "Before 10:00?? Oh my god what did you get yourself into.... But fine I'll help you." He said sighing. "Ohmigosh thank you thank you thank you. Come on lets go we don't have time." I say while pulling the cuff of his blazer.  

He grabs his badge which can give us access to any part of the firm and we go to the archive section on the 8th floor and we collect the files we need and go back to Niall's office. I start going through the papers while Niall searches the internet. I keep jolting down points on a notepad that I borrowed from Niall and he keeps doing Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V. At 9:43 we finish our research and he emails me his notes and I run towards my cubicle.

"Hey I didn't get my coffe-" Harry starts but I cut him off.

"Not now."


I switch on my computer and look at the email Niall sent me. There are several other emails but I'll check them later. I go to a website which I found in my college days which helps create essays. I go there and basically copy paste everything to a word file and then I review it. Making a few changes here and there.

It's 9:56 right now and I've written nine and a half pages. I copy it in a pen drive and then go to the 4th floor for print outs. By the time everything is printed it's 9:59 and I sprint towards the elevator and then to Louis' office. I open the door and slam the file on his table. He checks the number of pages and he looks at me, then gives me a look and starts talking;

"It's 10:00:23, you're twenty three seconds late. There's only nine and a half pages of content and not ten. I can not accept this. You can shred this thing you call a file. Please leave your badge and company card with Samantha." He said with all seriousness. I just stood there dumbfounded. I can not believe this man. It is then when I loose my mind and start yelling at him, "Ok what the fuck is wrong with you?? First of all you torture me by forcing me to get coffee everyday and then give me useless work. And when I thought of getting back at you once and you remember this Tomlinson ONLY ONCE, you give me an impossible task and I still do it and prove you wrong and just because you can't accept your defeat you find useless points to fire me. If you didn't want me here this bad then you shouldn't have given me the job in the first place !!" I conclude. 

"Ok listen, I won't have any commoner come here and yell whatever their stupid brain has comprehended till now. It's your fault that you didn't complete the task given to you and if you can't handle that, listen to me sweetheart, NOT.MY.FAULT." he screams back at me. I scoff at him and say, "I did the task and I did it way better than anyone would have if they were in my position. I handled it perfectly. It's your ego that couldn't handle it. Louis you've known me my whole life. You know what happens when I'm put under pressure. You know damn well what happens and still you pull a stunt like this?! What if it happened again Louis? Huh?? What if it happened again? Would you be there this time or would you just pretend I don't exist?? Cause right now I have nobody. Nobody who knows about it except you!! What if this time you're too la- Fuck." I turn around as I try to stop the tears. After a few seconds I turn around to say one last thing to him, "But I'll do as you like. I'll just go and gather up my stuff and leave." 

I turn around with a cold expression and make my way out of the wooden doors by slamming them hard. I go to Sam's desk and hand her my badge and I tell her I'll give her my credit card later.

I make my way to the elevator and wait for it to reach the 18th floor.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


I'd like to give a shoutout to my best friend Ridd, Mehar and my sister who were the first people to read this book.

I'd like to give a shoutout to my best friend Ridd, Mehar and my sister who were the first people to read this book

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Thank you for reading!!!

~T.S :)

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