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Jacob yawned. Today had been a slow day, which was not good, since Jacob was flying out to Rapid City Regional Airport in a few hours.

Jacob slumped against the wall while he dug for his keys on the key rack. After he found his car keys and his apartment keys, he walked out, carrying his suitcase by the handle.

Jacob climbed down his apartment steps and crossed the pavilion to the lobby.

"Hey, is Emilia here?" Jacob asked an intern at the front desk.

"No, but I can handle whatever you need!" The intern replied. They were a black man with crisp blue eyes.

"Alright, well, just tell her that I'm gonna be out for a month, so don't do anything to my apartment except keep it locked."


Jacob pulled his suitcase out to the parking lot and looked around for his car. He spotted it, an old Subaru with 120,000 miles on it, but still ran well enough.

After packing the suitcase into the back of his car, Jacob got into the drivers key and started the car. Jacob waited 15 minutes and then pulled the gear into drive. Jacob drove straight across the parking line and out of the parking lot.

Jacob took some back roads to avoid the busy intersection, not wanting to get caught up in traffic, and got on the interstate towards the airport.

After getting a parking slip and parking, Jacob walked into the airport and wove his way through the labyrinth. Finally, he spotted the right bag check for his carrier and weighed his suitcase. It was just the right weight. Jacob breathed a sigh of relief before getting inspected. As usual, Jacob didn't carry an concealed weapons.

Jacob sat in the terminal for his flight, crunching on a granola bar. He got a text from Zak.

"hey where you at?" Zak asked.


"cool i'm about to board."

"nice." Jacob put his phone down.

"are you excited to meet Spifey" Zak asked.


"wow you sound really excited"

"Spifey's gonna think I'm ugly" Jacob admitted.

"spifey's got nothing on you" Zak joked. Jacob chuckled slightly.

"btw you have first-class tickets" Zak noted. Jacob nearly spat out his granola bar.

"Oh" Jacob realized he would have to listen more intently since he would be boarded sooner than he realized.

Just as Jacob finished up gathering his things, the intercom system rang out "Now Boarding First-Class" Jacob got up and headed towards the entrance to the jet bridge. The passenger check-in officer had a hard time believing that Jacob had First- Class seats, but eventually, the officer let Jacob board.

Jacob found his seat...except it was actually a suite. Jacob praised Skeppy for these tickets in his mind as he laid down on the unbelievably comfortable bed. Jacob was about to fall asleep when he realized that he would miss landing if he just tried to sleep.

Jacob set an alarm for w hours from now and took a nap.

When Jacob woke up, his alarm had not gone off. Jacob got worried, and checked his phone. He had only been asleep for 15 minutes, yet he felt refreshed. Jacob kicked back and let the feeling of being able to get away sink in.

(Time Skip brought to you by Ridue Music)

As Jacob stood at the baggage claim, waiting for his bag to appear, he got a text from George.

"where are you"

"Baggage claim"

"k be there in an hour"

Jacob's heart sank. Jacob didn't want to be trapped in unfamiliar territory without anyone to guide him.

"Why don't I drive to your house" Jacob asked.

"it's hard to find if you don't know where it is"

Jacob put his phone back in his pocket. Just then, his suitcase popped out. Jacob grabbed his suitcase and made a quick exit.

Just then, Jacob realized something.


Zak exists.

Zak could get Jacob out of this situation.

Jacob quickly called Zak.

"Please pick up please pick up" Jacob found himself repeating out loud.

"Hey." Zak's voice relaxed Jacob slightly.

"I'm at the airport." Jacob told Zak.

"Uh, cool. Why are you calling me?" Zak asked.

"Spifey won't be here for an hour."

"Oh. Well, Bad and I are in Custer, so we can't really help you."

"When did you get to Custer?" Jacob asked, getting angry.

"We've been here for 5 hours." Zak said calmly.

"Why didn't you wait for me?" Jacob felt all his confidence draining away.

"Spifey said he was coming to pick you up." 


"Well I gotta make a video so bye." Zak hung up before Jacob could respond.

Jacob stared at his phone for the longest time in the sunset. Silent tears slid down his face. Eventually, Jacob went back inside and sat in the lobby, feeling extremely desperate.

Jacob felt a tap on his shoulder.

"Excuse me, but are you ZelktheElk?" A feminine voice asked. Jacob turned his head. A little girl, probably around 10-13 stared at him with wonder.

"Uh, yeah." Jacob wasn't sure if he disliked the girl. She was just a kid, so Jacob tried not to have too hard of feelings.

"Cool! I love your videos!" The little girl cheered. Jacob smiled.

"Hehe thanks."

Just then, a tall white man with deep brown hair entered the lobby. Jacob recognized him immediately. Jacob got up and quickly walked towards George.


George jumped.

"Who are you????" George asked.

"I'm Jacob. You've seen my face before."

"Oh...you've lost weight..." George said.

"Yeah, okay, let's just go." Jacob yawned. 

George grabbed Jacob by the hand and pulled him out of the building.

"George that was mean." Jacob said as he got into George's old Subaru.

"Oh. Sorry."

"Please don't mention my weight again."


After George paid for his parking, which was free because it only took 15 minutes to pick Jacob up, Jacob laid down in the back seat and stretched out.

"Hey George" Jacob called.

"Yeah." George replied, still focused on the road.

"Where will I be sleeping?" Jacob asked.

"Next to me."

"No, seriously." Jacob said.

"Seriously, you'll be next to me. I washed everything in my room, you are not sleeping on the couch."

Jacob groaned.

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