Our family 🙏🏻😍❤️

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Two months have passed since the twins' birthday. Jen and David are going to have an ultrasound to find out the sex of their baby. The twins stay with Court and they leave for the exam.
Once there, they go straight to the exam room and wait for the doctor who arrives quickly.
Doctor: Hi Jennifer and David, how are you?
Jen: very well Doctor.
Doctor: this is great! Ready to see if it's a boy or another girl?
Jen: yes, we are very anxious to know!
The doctor puts the gel on Jen's belly and starts the ultrasound.
Doctor: let's see if he or she will help us today.
After a few minutes, the doctor can see the sex of the baby.
Doctor: I finally got to see it !!!
He shows the screen to the two and points to it.
Doctor: congratulations, now you are going to have a boy !!
Jen and David smile super happy at the news and David kisses Jen on the forehead.
Jen: a boy, it's a boy my love !!! She says as David gives her a peck.
David: now we are complete my love!
Jen: yes !! Thank you for this gift!
David: Thank you for that gift, I love you!
Jen: I love you! They give a peck.
Doctor: I'm sorry to disturb your happiness, but don't you want to hear his little heart?
Jen: oh my god, sorry doctor, yes !!!
The doctor picks up the device to listen to the baby's heart and places it on top of Jen's belly and they hear the heartbeat.
David: this is the best sound there is !!! He says letting some tears fall.
Jen: yes my love, it's so exciting!
The ultrasound ends and the doctor says the baby is fine and growing a lot and leaves the two alone.
Jen: it looks like a dream!
David: and I don't want to wake up ever again !!!
Jen and David return home and Court is anxious to know the baby's gender.
Jen and David take the twins in their lap.
Court: hey, how was it? Did you see the baby's sex?
Jen: it was wonderful, yes I could see it!
Jen and David look at each other and smile at each other.
David: it's a boy!
Court: oh my God, how amazing !!! Congratulations!!!
Court stops talking for a moment and looks at Jen, David and the twins.
Court: look at you! I remember when we saw each other for the first time, I never imagined that I would see a scene like the one I'm seeing now, you formed a family and I'm so happy for that! You deserve all the happiness in the world, I love you.
They hug and cry and Court returns home.
Jen: the family I always dreamed of having is real!
David: yes, it seems like yesterday it all started and look now, we are a family! I am so happy that words cannot say what I feel.
Jen: me too! I'm glad I decided to say everything that day, if I didn't do it I would regret it for the rest of my life!
David: this is our destiny, we were born to be together, anyway it would happen!
Jen: yes, it's true. I love you.
David: I love you, too.
David kisses Jen, Jen's twins and belly.
David: you and Cleo are the most important thing in my life! They're the air I need to live, I can't exist without you!
Jen: I love you more than anything in life, you are my biggest and best achievement, now I can say that I am a complete woman!
Then Jen and David put the twins to slborn

• 3 months later •

Jen is about to give birth, her belly is very big and she is looking forward to the baby's arrival.
Jen: I can't take another step, I'm too hot !!
David takes an iced tea and hands it to Jen.
Jen: thank you so much my love.
David: you're welcome my love, do you need anything else?
Jen takes David's hand and lays her head on his chest and looks at the twins that are sitting playing on the floor.
Jen: they are so beautiful !!
David: they are identical to you, they couldn't help but be beautiful my love.
Jen smiles at David, they kiss passionately and Jen feels water running down her legs. She already had a pain in her back, but very mild.
Jen: oh my God, the water broke, my love our son will be born!!!

Jen and David: Endless love ❤️Where stories live. Discover now