Chapter - 46

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I watched my world fall apart the day my love left me

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I watched my world fall apart the day my love left me

Your POV:

"So are you going to tell us anything or just seat there tied up and only glare at me?" I said as I cross my arms around my chest while standing in front of the old people. Frankly speaking, I'm actually inside my old house...that house where all this began, where we used to live.

"Tsk tsk!! Do you think you can just keep quiet? You want me to call your son here Mrs. Ghim?" Taehyung said raising his one eyebrow, glaring at the old people.

Mrs. Ghim's eyes widen as she immediately looks up and her body shivers. "D-don't call my son. He is leading the best life in the USA." "You don't want to let your son know about your dirty deeds eh!? Then you wouldn't mind telling us all the history please?" Taehyung said as he pulls one of the chairs near him and plops on it.

"I will tell you everything. Please don't let my son know anything." We didn't say anything. All this time Mr.ghim was looking down on his lap not saying anything.

"Everything started 10 years ago. My son was in his third year of high school and Yami was in middle school. My husband wanted to start his own business, we never get to live a better life. My son always dreamed to be a doctor and we all know how expensive the school expenses are. I've always blamed my husband for being a useless guy...he never could fulfill my son's dream. Then 10 years ago he met your father. They become close friends sooner than they expect. I get to know a lot about your family and how good your life has been. I couldn't bear it, I couldn't bear the fact that your father is so capable of doing everything to fulfill your brother's dream while my husband couldn't. So I tricked my husband and told him to do something so that all the money on their partnership businesses only comes to us. At first, he didn't want to do it but eventually, he also agreed. But that damn father of yours caught us and took everything from us, here my son got a scholarship and he wanted to study at one of the best universities in the USA. He thought that now we're stable enough...we can send him there. We only got 6 months to arrange for the money. Even if we took down your father, soobin was still there after all he was planning on taking care of your family business."

Mrs. Ghim stopped and looked up at me. All this time I was gritting on my teeth. "The rest you know." Tsking I open my mouth. "The rest knew Yami become my close friends and it won't be hard to let her know about my brother and make them a couple. Then Yami will make him fall for her so deadly that even if he wanted to break up, he will never be as strong as before to take care of my family. Thus my brother committed suicide. Wow, Mrs. Ghim wow your plan was so successful isn't it? What happened? Aren't going to the USA to meet your son or what? Didn't he become a doctor by now? Ore!! Your daughter is mentally ill, wasn't your son supposed to know a treat her?" I was going crazy. Just for few money's and luxury, they made three people die miserably.

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