Chapter - 48

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~If I die, tell her I loved her~

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~If I die, tell her I loved her~

Your POV:

Yami was trembling in fear. I could see in her face, it was shown clearly. SungHo Ghim walks forward appearing slowly towards Yami. Yami started to go backward as she mumbles, "brother-brother I'm...". "What sister? You better give me some good explanation or you know if I can't buy it I....I'll have lived this whole life with so much guilt!!" I see no emotions in those eyes. They were empty.

"SungHo...!" I hear another voice calls for the man in front of me. I turn around and saw Mr. and Mrs. Ghim with a shock expression whilst the police standing behind them. SungHo doesn't turn around. Suddenly he burst out laughing I look back at him as the mother runs toward her son.

"SungHo....son I'm-I'm sorry I--" SungHo doesn't say anything, SungHo keeps laughing like a crazy man. Not until I saw tears in his eyes. He grabs his mother's shoulders with both hands, "mother... mother how could you do this? You not only killed another mother's son...mother Today you killed your own son too. Mother, how am I going to live the rest of my life? Mother could you guys do THIS?" He pushed his mother slightly as he walks backward until his back touches the wall.

He was staring at his mother while crying like a mess. It's unbelievable to see a grown man crying like this. Sniffing SungHo says, "I came back to Korea 2 days ago. I wanted to surprise you guys...I was so excited to meet you and tell you that mother, father I'm going to be a dad..." As he says his mother who was looking down on her feet looks up at him in surprise. "Yes...I met someone 2 years ago who became the love of my life but also my everything just like you guys. 2 weeks ago she announced that she's pregnant with my child. Mother, I planned on telling you guys and get married to her soon. I proposed to her and she accepted me. I was nervous about it that you might not agree but I was 70% sure that someday soon when you will meet your grandchildren you will forgive me." He leans back on the wall smiling.

"Son..." Mrs. Ghim walks forward to hold her son but SungHo Ghim continues, "I assume I don't have to think about your approval anymore. I didn't mean to hide anything from you guys but I just wanted to make sure I stay loyal to her. But here my own family isn't loyal to me. How am I going to play that proud doctor role of mine? Every time people will think I'm the best doctor it'll force me to think that actually no...I became a doctor after my sister murder a young ambitious man and his family. After my mother brainwashed my dad and sister to do evil. After my mother successfully took everything this woman's family-owned... surprisingly I'm the elder brother of a slut. A sister who is a complete slut, who sleeps with her teacher and gets pregnant with his child later aborted it. I'm the first child of a mother who is a complete gold digger and a greedy woman also a mastermind murderer...who doesn't see anything but just greed's over money. And my father...who takes advantage of a man's poor situation to take his money. What a wonderful family I have got here right?"

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