𝙑𝙄. 𝙩𝙚𝙖 𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙫𝙚𝙨 𝙜𝙞𝙫𝙚 𝙢𝙚 𝙝𝙤𝙥𝙚

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"Why did no one tell me I had a pimple?"

Hannah held her nose to the crystal ball, Ron giving her a concerned look as Hannah poked at the red bump.

"I told you this morning, you told me I was joking and moved on."

I spoke as I flipped through the book in my lap, the pillow on the floor was starting to hurt my butt but I ignored it as Harry leaned closer to me.

"Do you see anything in the crystal?"

I looked up from the book and focused on the crystal ball, a little swirl forming but falling away quickly and I shrugged it off. I knew I wasn't a Seer, I haven't seen anything that happened the past three years coming.


"You don't see George and yours wedding?"

I tried to hold back my laugh, slapping my hand over my mouth as I looked over to Harry's confused face. He was serious?

"Harry, I would never actually date George. He is practically Noah and I brother."

Harry shocked me, nodding before looking at his lap with red cheeks. I bumped my shoulder with his as Trelawney came through the stairs.

"Morning my children."

The woman's light spun around the room, her demeanor calm as she looked at us.

"In this classroom we'll learn the art of Divination."

I looked back in the book and flipped through the pages, reading what different tea lefts meant and such while the lady spoke.

"We'll see if any of you possess the Sight, I'm Professor Trelawney."

I heard clacking, I looked up to her holding a table with a shaking tea pot. I looked back down to the book, reading over each point to remember when the time came.

"With the art of tea leave comes concentration, switch with your partner."

I laid the book to the side and reached from Harry cup, his hand brushing mine as we switched.

"Sorry," he yelped out.

"Harry, I laid my head on your shoulder all the time."

I smiled as he nervously laughed, playing with my tea cup in his hand. I leaned over, trying to get a look of it but he pulled it away, a small smirk playing at his lips.


"Not today Greyheart," he dangled the cup before me, hiding back behind his back when Trelawney spoke.

"The truth lies buried like a sentence deep in a book, waiting to be read."

He ran before each table, wide eyed as she looked to each student waiting for directions.

"What a load of rubbish."

I turned at the voice, watching Hannah and Ron jump as Hermione sat in-between the two.


"When she'd get here," Ron pointed at her, his finger shaking as Hermione rolled her eyes and opened her own book.

"I've been here the whole time."

"No," Hannah spoke as she pulled on Hermione robe before looking at Ron.

"Think it's a clone?"


I jumped at the professor's voice, turning to see her finger pointing at Neville.

"Is your grandmother well?"

Nevillie let out a confidence "i think so" and I was proud of how calmed he was, he always got so nervous and it was nice to see him growing into himself.

"I wouldn't be so sure, give me the cup."

She grabbed the cup from Dean's hand, looking into the cup before giving a tight lip and smiling at Neville.


I watched in shock as she calmly walked away from the poor boy, walking back to the front of the class. She looked around the class before she looked behind me and jumped.

"Your aura is pulsing, are you in the beyond?"

She walked around me to Ron's side, him giving her odd eyes as he looked back to Hannah's cup in her hand.

"I think it's a dagger which is-"

"Oh yes, yes you're correct, help from a friend my dear," she nodded to Ron and then looked to Hannah, who jumped across Hannah and looked to the cup.

"Which one of you is helping me?"

"We all are, at all times may I add," I muttered to myself before a hand gently grabbed my chin and pulled it the other way.

"We all are, at all times may I add," I muttered to myself before a hand gently grabbed my chin and pulled it the other way

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greyheart; year 3↳h.potter x readerWhere stories live. Discover now