𝙓𝙄𝙄. 𝙨𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙩𝙨 𝙗𝙮 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙛𝙞𝙧𝙚𝙥𝙡𝙖𝙘𝙚

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"Are you excited?"

I laughed as Hannah bounced on her toes down the hall of the castle, her jumper Ms. Weasley made with a green "H" in the center hugged around her tightly.

"It's just Hogsmeade," I spoke softly, walking Malfoy and his friends walking past, Oden tuft of hair in the bunch but I did nothing. The vision of Lupin class came crashing back, it seemed my worst fear was happening live.

"Found 'em!"

I looked over my shoulder, Hermione and Ron jogging the keep up with the pace Hannah and I had made. Ron easily threw his arm around me, Hermione standing beside him while Hannah skipped backward in front of us. I looked to Hermione, and a current pair of glasses were nowhere to be seen.

"Where li- Harry?"

"He's talking with McGonagall, he doesn't have a guardian signature," Hermione spoke gravely, rubbing her hands up and down her arms.

"No signature means he can't go," I looked to Hannah, her head in clouds as we spoke on the subject.

"If Harry can't go maybe I should stay here with him?"

"Maybe McGonagall will make an exception," Ron muttered as his arm wrapped slightly tighter while we finally reached the courtyard. Hannah spun around, a rock caughting her shoe wrong as she tumbled to the ground. I reached for my wand but it was too late, Hannah laid on the cobblestone floor and a blonde tuft of hair laid under her.

"Get off my Saint!"

Hannah pushed herself off, a look of disgust on her face Malfoy sat up while holding his head.

"Can't even watch your step," Pansy held out a hand to Malfoy, I looked around but Oden was gone again, most likely in his own common room.

"Wanna call me a Mudblood Malfoy? Wait you can't," I grabbed Hannah arm, trying to cover her mouth but I was too late. I looked back, Hermione running to hold Hannah back as she tried breaking from my arm.

"Wh-hat did you just say?"

"You heard blondie," Hannah sneered, her teeth clenched as she gave Malfoy the death glare who returned it.

"But Professor-"

I looked over my shoulder, Harry followed McGonagall with a paper in his hand but McGonagall simply silenced him and gave his shoulder a squeeze. Hannah finally calmed down, my feet carrying me to stand with Harry who held the paper in his fingers.

"I'll stay with you."

"I can't ask you to do that, please go," Harry said nothing as I went to open my mouth again but he looked up at me with emerald eyes. I looked to him, my heart breaking for his pleading eyes, his eye begging to drop the topic.

"Next time I'm staying and you can't stop me, and you better help me finish all the sweets I'm going to get."

Harry smiled, nodding his head as he looked back to the paper in his hands.

"Keep me updated on Hannah and Malfoy or Hermione and Ron."

I gave a quick sad smile, slowly walking backwards to the group that was slowly leaving for the train that would leave any second now.

I kept looking over my shoulder, watching as Harry watched the group leave the castle as he couldn't do anything


"Wait so she broke the doorknob!"

I gave a hushed giggle, reaching over Harry to grab another Sherbet Lemon while Harry laughed at the image of Hannah breaking the doorknob of Honeydukes.

"It just snapped, I was so scared she was going to cry when she saw what she did," I tried to control the giggled fall pass my lips with how late it was but the common room was empty as I couldn't help myself.

"Oh Godric," Harry muttered, grabbing a Chocolate Frog and I smiled to myself.

"Do you remember on the train when we met yours jumped out the window?"

Harry smiled at the dessert, giving a nod before looking back up to me.

"I remember that train ride so vividly, it was the first time I felt like I had something of my own."

I looked at my lap, the candy wrappers that covered it felt wrong suddenly but I said nothing and I remembered the story Harry had told me about life before Hogwarts.

"Hey," his voice was gentle, shaking me from the pit I felt in.

"I'm sorry that for the first time you get an escape and you find out someone wants you dead," I didn't even know where it was all coming from, it felt completely out of character for me, but I barely knew who my character was.

"At least I'm not alone, I thought I would be alone forever but I'm not. I have Ron who is like my brother, his family cares about me more than my own, Hermione keeps me in line and helps me not overthink everything at times, and Hannah definitely keeps think light with her sarcastic comments."

I waited for my name but it never came, I decided to hold back not wanting to cause a scene.

"Then you, taking care of me and making me feel special, but you do that with everyone I suppose," he spoke sadly, his words drifting off the more he talked.

"You are special Lighting, don't let anyone tell you different."

I shook my head, reaching back over Harry to grab at Acid Pop but his hands wrapped around my wrist. I bought my eyes up to him, looking to each other waiting to speak.

"I'm not going to let Black hurt you, I'd die before that happened."

I let my mind drift back to the challenge at hand this year and for some reason Sirius Black didn't feel like my biggest danger. Maybe for Harry and Hannah but for me my biggest danger was losing my friends to a murder and Oden to himself.

"I'm not letting you die for me," Harry let the grip on my wrist fall away as I gave a simple smile.

"I'm going to hold you to that Smiley."

I gave a dramatic smile, reaching back for the sweet and talking with Harry about the talk he had with Lupin.

It was calming, sitting by the fire with sweets and easy conversation, I realized that it was never supposed to be as hard as we had it but we made due with what we had nevertheless.

oh how i love writing hannah and draco drama

oh how i love writing hannah and draco drama

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