𝙓𝙓𝙄𝙓. 𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙚? 𝙣𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙙 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩

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"He's waking up!"

My leg had finally stopped bouncing from the moment I sat in the chair beside Harry's bed, watching him as he turned slightly with little grunts falling from his lips.

From what I understood, Harry was for the most part find mostly just drained from the Dementor that attacked Black and himself.

"Thank Merlin," Hannah walked from the bed she had decided she would nap on, a happy smile on her face as she grabbed his ankles and shook them slightly.

"I was getting bored of laying around here."

Hermione stayed close to Ron's bed, him trying to tell her he was fine but she refused to have it as it was worse off and needed just as much company as Harry.

"Wh-huh where?"

Harry slowly sat up, slowly gaining the color in his cheeks again as he looked around the dull lights of the room.

"The dementors had you, but something managed to scare them off," I filled in the missing piece, smiling as Harry slowly nodded along with my words.

"It was my dad," Harry spoke confidently.

How does one respond to that?

I mean James Potter was obviously dead, had been for years now, so how do you tell his orphan son that he's mad bloody mad.

"Well isn't that something," Hannah spoke, pocking my back with her foot as she shook her head slowly.

"I know it sounded crazy-"

"Crazy, no offense Harry but you sound worse than crazy," Ron spoke up from the other side of the room, trying his best to sincere as the topic was still apparently hard for him to understand.

"I saw him, I did!"

Harry slowly attempted to move from his bed, as soon as his feet touched the floor his body with limp. I jumped from the chair, wrapping my arms around his middle and throw his arm over my shoulder.

"You are strong enough," my words were soft and gently, looking at the side of Harry's face as I waited for him to respond.

He opened his mouth but shut it as soon as the door to the infirmary swung open, Dumbledore's robes flying behind him as he walked to the center of the room. Without another thought, Harry squeezed my shoulder and pushed off me. He had enough strength to make it where Dumbeldore stood, Hermione close beside him and they rambled off the truth of the whole situation.

"It was Scabbers!"

"He's innocent!"

"I saw him-"

"Calm down," Dumbledore looked to each of the three, slowly nodding before looking up and making eye contact with me.

"And you?"

"Me what?" My jaw fell open as I waited for him to elaborate, telling me why he was looking at me with that permanent twinkle in his eye.

"Do you think he's innocent?"

I felt my mind go blank, he was just told by three other parties that the man was innocent. Why not ask Hannah? Why not believe Harry?

"I don't think, I know. Otherwise, I wouldn't be standing here," I spoke confidently, which felt weird. I wasn't quite or nice, I was honest and spoke my mind to my Headmaster.

Dumbledore nodded, looking back to the others that stood watching the two of us closely.

"Well, unfortunately, a jury will not believe the words of five fourteen-year-olds," Dumbledore spoke gravely.

"Why doesn't he take out words to court?"

Hannah whispered the words in my ear, so close I could feel her breath run over my skin.

She made a fair point, it happened all the time and if he trusted us as much as he acts he wouldn't mind helping us out. I zoned out a minute, trying to understand why Dumbledore does anything. Why'd he stood up when I was sorted?

He was the most confusing man ever.

"Three times should do the trick," was the last set of words I heard before the doors to the infirmary were close shut. Hermione turned to Hannah and me, waving his over as she stuck her hand down her sweatshirt. Once she pulled in out, the time turner sat in the center of her palm.

Hannah and I looked at each other once, not wasting time as we made it to Hermione and Harry's side.

"Sorry Ronald, but since you can't walk," Hermione took the large chain and pulled it over our heads.

"This is big enough to fit that troll from first year," Hannah mentioned as the gold was pulled around her.

"I have a charm on it," was all Hermione said. Harry went to touch the trinket but Hermione slapped his hand away, looking at us while nodding her head. She looked back to the turner and twisting the trinket three times.

As soon as she started twisting the room went dizzy, my heart dropped in my chest as I watched people hurry in and out of the infirmary as the light slowly made its way into the room. After the last twist, the moving stopped, we stood in the same place in the infirmary but the sun was out and there wasn't a soul in sight.

"Wow, that was freaking awesome," Hannah bounced on her toes, grabbing my shoulders and shaking me as she did so.

"What just happened Harry?"

Hermione didn't pay anything attention to his question, turning to look at the clock that was hung on the wall.

"7:30? What were we doing at 7:30?"

"Hagrid's," I spoke as I finally got Hannah to stop jumping up and down, looking to Hermione who was already taking off down the halls. I grabbed Hannah's hand in one hand and Harry's jacket sleeve in the other.

"What in the bloody name of Godric," Harry mumbled under his breath.

"What? Never seen magic before," I looked over my shoulder at him, laughing when his face drops, I sent him a wink as I tried my very best to keep up with Hermione as took the corners quickly.

After running down hall after hall, we made our way over the bridge near Hagrid's house, Hermione looking over the side before turning to Harry who wouldn't shut up. I dared to peek around the corner just like Hermione did.

There we stood, just as we did hours before without backs turned to ourselves.

We traveled throughout time because that's obviously normal.

book 3 is almost over :(

butttttt on a happier note

what do yall want to see in book 4?

what do yall want to see in book 4?

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