𝙑𝙄𝙄. 𝙜𝙧𝙞𝙢𝙢𝙮 𝙜𝙧𝙞𝙢

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Trelawney stood, holding my chin in her hand while her eyes stared into my own wide ones.

"You aura is a deep grey my dear, you must be a reliable one."

I gave a nervous smile, nodding slowly before she gently let go of my chin.

"What does the cup say?"

"It almost looks like a cross but it could be sure," I spoke gently when Trelawney took the cup that I held out to her. As soon as she looked to the cup she threw it to the table, backing away from the table screaming. I jumped back, I felt Harry hand grab my wrist as I watched the professor wide eyed.

"My dear boy," Trelawney watched Harry, who looked between each of us before back to her.

"You have the Grim."

I felt a headache come hard, my head looking through the pages from earlier in my memory trying to find the Grim.

"Taking the form of a giant spectral dog, it's among the darkest omens in our world."

Both Harry and I leaned to look into the cup, Hannah, Hermione, and Ron leaning over their own table to get a look also.

"It's the omen of death."

I felt my eyes close, I was getting tired of this. I just wanted to go to school and learn, maybe not watch everyone fall apart piece by piece.

"Damn it Harry, I thought it was over," I muttered to myself, when I opened my eyes Harry was looking at the small tea leaves of the Grim.

"Me too."

I watched the tea leave lay at the bottom of the cup, panic filling me as I let memories from over the year play across my head, the blood on the walls and Ron and Hermione flying across the chess game.

"If we have to go back to that stupi chamber," Hannah muttered as we all slowly sat back to our seats, waiting for Trelawney to finish the lesson.

"Um- read your partner's cup."

She did jazz hands as she turned to her desk and flipped past pages of the book laid across it.


"You have a fox," Harry ran his finger over his book, ignoring the situation at hand as he read my cup.


"Someone close is going to backstab you."

His eyes stayed trained on the book as I tried to move his shoulder, his eyes never leaving the book.

"It's not me, I'm not going to backstab you," Harry muttered as she swallowed hard.

"I never thought it was."

"Maybe you should, I seem to put you in danger every year so maybe I can't be trusted."

Without thinking I grabbed Harry's hand, wrapping mine is his and squeezing. He looked up at me, his eyes watery but no tears ran down his face.

"I trust you with my life lightning, we all do."

I nodded my head back to Hannah, Hermione, and Ron who were arguing about what Ron cup actually said.

"It looks like an ass, I'm not kidding," Hannah laughed as Hermione snatched the cup from her hands.

"Language Hannah," Hermione muttered as she flipped the cup every way.

I looked back to Harry, his eyes down cast but a smile playing on his lips nevertheless.

"You're really good at keeping me sane Smiley."

"None of us are sane, but that's the fun of it all."

this chapter sucks because wattpad tried to play me and only post half of yesterday chapter

so that means i'll post later today with another chapter!!

sorry about this one

sorry about this one

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greyheart; year 3↳h.potter x readerWhere stories live. Discover now